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Friday, September 21, 2012

Blogger's 'new' editor

After years of resisting change, Blogger has now forced me to use their 'new' editor. I can describe it in one five-letter word, the first and last letters of which are both "s."

The 'new' editor is why you are now seeing posts that don't align, posts with extra empty spaces, posts with videos missing, and posts without titles.

Progress, anyone?


At 4:27 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

if I could import and export all my stuff I would leave... but I can't. theoretically I should be able to, but the file is too big.

Word processing was at it's height in 1986 in my opinion. The software has become bloated. Someone could become rich if they design a streamlined online simple text editor that could also post as an option to blogger. you are in Israel... tell Jeff Pulver or something. It is a good idea. I don't mind sharing it if someone makes something of it


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