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Friday, September 21, 2012

A word to rioting Muslims

Here's Pat Condell on the latest Muslim riots.

Let's go to the videotape (Hat Tip: Shy Guy, who wanted to make sure Chayma sees this).

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At 5:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

(Hat Tip: Shy Guy, who wanted to make sure Chayma sees this).

Really Shyguy, must you stoop to swilling bilge, and scum from the cesspool? Pat Condell is a religon hater, in fact he hates Judaism too. You really must stop cutting your nose to spite your face.

Face it: Those who hate Islam hate Judaism too. They're the same religion. Ask Geert Wilders :)

As for the riots, they're extremist Islamophobes feeding Muslim extremists. The loser will be your side eventually. This isn't something the US can live with. Expect the blasphemy law soon :)

And I want to make sure you read AND see this.

Pat Condell, Jew-Hater: Stop Sending Me Ignorant, Anti-Israel Englishman’s Anti-Islam Videos

Many readers over the last couple of years have been sending me videos of Englishman Pat Condell. Please stop. I have never posted Mr. Condell’s work on Islam, which you’d think I agree with. I do. But here’s why I won’t glorify the work of Condell by posting it to my readers:
Pat Condell is no more than a more affable version of Christopher Hitchens. Like Hitchens, he hates all religions and sees them as morally equivalent to Islam. He’s said exactly that. And, more important, Condell is anti-Israel, virulently so. He’s among the many anti-Semites who claim they “love the Jews” but want Jews out of Israel. Americans fall in love with anyone with an English accent, no matter how backward his information is, and Pat Condell is Exhibit A of that. His sophistries about Jews, Israel, and Jerusalem are telling in their ignorance.

At 5:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shyguy, you may want to read this..that is, when you come up for fresh air from your cesspool


Pat Condell is Antisemitic Scum


You may have heard of Pat Condell (pictured) or have seen his videos, as he is popular personality on YouTube. Some find Pat Condell interesting because he says a lot of what needs to be said about Islam. However, we discovered one of his videos in which he attacks Israel and the Jews and denies our historical right to Jerusalem (please see our earlier post from yesterday, Israel and the Jewish People's Connection to Jerusalem), and compares Jews to Islamic terrorists. The video, a thinly veiled anti-Semitic rant, is filled with factual inaccuracies and outright lies.

Debbie Schlussel raised some good points in here piece, Why I Dislike Pat Condell: Stop Sending Me Ignorant, Anti-Israel Englishman’s Anti-Islam Videos. We suggest you read her analysis of Condell's Jerusalem video.

However, there are additional points that must be made about Pat Condell's lies, which Debbie did not point out, that must be brought to your attention. In the video, he:

•Attacks Judaism and Christianity, claiming they are an "insult to humanity"
•Stereotypes all religious Jews
•Claims scripture and prophesy reflect "insanity"
•Promotes the destruction of Jerusalem
•Promotes the idea that Jews should "let go" of Jerusalem
Despite the facts being out about Pat Condell's anti-Israel, anti-Jewish, and anti-Christian views, many self-described "anti-Jihadists" like Pamela Geller (Atlas Shrugs), David Horowitz (FrontPageMag, NewsRealBlog, Terrorism Awareness Project, Discover the Networks) and Robert Spencer (JihadWatch) in the "pro-Israel" blogosphere continue to promote and celebrate him. Why is this happening?


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