Hussein Obama's great accomplishment: 'Palestinians' call US 'enemy # 1'

The US is the number one enemy of the Palestinians because it supports Israeli "oppression" against the Palestinians, Tawfik Tirawi, a senior member of the Fatah Central Committee, said on Sunday.What could go wrong? Spoiled brats....
Tirawi, former commander of the Palestinian Authority's General Intelligence Force in the West Bank, also said that Fatah has not abandoned the armed struggle option against Israel.
"Fatah hasn't thrown the rifle aside," Tirawi told thousands of university students during a rally in Hebron.
Tirawi's anti-US remarks came only days after Palestinian protesters tossed a shoe at US diplomats who arrived in Ramallah to attend a cultural event.
The Palestinians were protesting against US President Barack Obama's refusal to back the PA's statehood bid at the UN and US threats to cut off financial aid to the PA.
Labels: Barack Hussein Obama, Tawfik Tirawi
Fatah doesn't exactly "pick up the rifle"--first it splits off a group of layabouts with names like "Tanziim" or "Al Asqa Brigades" or "Just Like Hamas" and those guys pick up guns, or suicide vests and then Falah is all like, "oh no, we are following Oslo but you can't blame them for resistance against the Zionist occupier...."
And btw Israel hasn't "thrown the tank aside"' if we're counting weapons real or imagined or still in inventory....
But hey, let's give those guys--picking up or laying aside or burrowing their AK47s in the ground like acorns--more territory, more concessions, more this and more that.
Peace process! Peace process!
Arab Shwing! Arab Shwing!
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