Fatah youth hang Bibi in effigy; 'Palestinian Authority' Television shows it

The following is from the PA TV main evening news story, which described the event but did not show any pictures of the symbolic hanging. The picture above of the "hanging" was posted on the Israeli-Arab website panet.co.il.But they'll stop acting that way once they get a 'state,' won't they?PA TV reporter: "With these brief and concise words, the children of Kafar Qaddum commenced the trial of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu - the symbolic trial which convicted him of carrying out war crimes against humanity in the Palestinian territories, confiscation and theft of land and building settlements on it - as a symbolic image of the end of the occupation...
Thus the people and children of Kafar Qaddum managed to judge Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, after convicting him of carrying out war crimes against humanity, and to sentence him to death by hanging, meaning that the occupation is going to end, sooner or later."
[PA TV (Fatah), Sept. 30, 2011]
Labels: Binyamin Netanyahu, Palestinian Authority Television
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