Romney's foreign policy team

In the days leading to this speech Romney also revealed the long list of foreign policy advisers (full list here). When it comes to clear-cut supporters-of-Israel, this is probably one of the best groups that can be put together by anyone. No Brzezinskis, no Rob Malleys, no Samantha Powerses (and for those who like to count: the percentage of Jewish advisors is also dizzying).The list is indeed quite impressive, and if you're into thinking 'my enemy's enemy is my friend' (as many are here in the Middle East), this has to be especially pleasing.
Rosner reviews Romney's speech at the Citadel and concludes:However, some Washington Middle East experts have already flagged Lebanese-American scholar Walid Phares as a controversial co-chair of the Romney Mideast team.
"Walid Phares is advising Romney on Middle East policy? For realz? That's terrifying + not just because of [Lebanese Forces] LF history," George Washington University Middle East expert Marc Lynch wrote on Twitter, referring to Phares' past reported role with the right-wing Lebanese Christian militia during that country's civil war. "To be clear: I have nothing against Gov. Romney," the Center for New American Security's Andrew Exum similarly wrote at Twitter. "But appointing Walid Phares your M.E. advisor is NUTS." Phares, now affiliated with the National Defense University, was an outspoken advocate of the U.S. invasion of Iraq and of a hawkish Middle Eastern policy during the Bush years.
Whether one accepts this analysis of world affairs or not, it is clear at this point that Republican candidates reserve special role for Israel as a weapon in the 2012 election war: A political weapon with which to woo pro-Israel evangelical and (later) Jewish voters – but also a strategic metaphor with which to woo all voters.And that competition for pro-Israel votes can only help Israel.
Labels: Mitt Romney, pro-Israel, Republicans
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