Shalit's release for 'Palestinian statehood'?

He did not directly link Schalit’s release to France’s position on the Palestinian bid for unilaterally declared statehood, but he did say that it would help.Getting one gang of thugs to release one hostage doesn't mean that the 'Palestinians' abide generally by international law nor that they are ready for 'statehood.'
“In a few months, the international community will have to determine itself on the question of recognizing a Palestinian state,” Zimeray said. “I do not know what our position will be. That is not the point. The only thing I can say is when one pretends to be a state ruled by law, one has to show respect for basic international humanitarian law.”
France may just vote in favor of a unilateral declaration of 'Palestinian statehood' anyway.
And Hamas won't agree to this deal anyway.
What could go wrong?
Labels: Gilad Shalit, Palestinian state RIGHT NOW syndrome, unilateral declaration of statehood
Just what one can expect from the French.
Its a good thing Hamas will save Israel from itself for it will never release Gilad Shalit, alive or dead.
What could go wrong indeed
Groucho Marx explained he didn't want to belong to any club that would accept him as a member. Hamas can't bring itself to accept any deal for Shalit the "zionist entity" is prepared to sign off on.
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