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Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Government preparing for riots on Tuesday

If the 'Palestinians' get their way, the Kotel (Western Wall) may not look so quiet later on Tuesday as it appears below.
Internet organizers are continuing efforts to bring Palestinians to the streets on Tuesday, the last day in a three-day “Naksa Day” commemoration that began on Friday and continued on Sunday.

The Facebook group “Countdown to the Third Palestinian Intifada” – which has amassed 379,000 followers, or “likes” – has designated Tuesday as the “Day of Allegiance to Jerusalem” and called on supporters to march on the capital’s Al-Aksa Mosque in a display of loyalty to the city.


While police will be on high alert in Jerusalem, both Arab and left-wing activists said they were unaware of any protests planned in the capital on Tuesday, despite Internet plans to march on the Aksa Mosque.

Activists had similar plans on Sunday, but marchers trying to enter Jerusalem from the Kalandiya checkpoint were turned back just meters past the checkpoint, and the march degenerated into skirmishes between approximately 250 Palestinians and the army along the Jerusalem-Ramallah highway.

In the clashes, one policeman and 40 demonstrators were wounded.

Jerusalem police spokesman Shmuel Ben-Ruby dismissed the chances of a march from Kalandiya successfully reaching the capital, on Tuesday or any day.

“We have the army in front of us, and the army certainly knows how to deal with this situation,” he said on Monday. “So far, [the Naksa demonstrations] haven’t caught on in Jerusalem. If they do develop here, we will do everything necessary to contain it.”
Maybe the 'Palestinians' can't get any 'real Palestinians' to show up for a demonstration in Jerusalem, because all the 'real Palestinians' are figuring out how to remain Israeli citizens if - God forbid - there is a 'Palestinian state.' Heh.

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