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Monday, June 06, 2011

Who's on the 'Audacity of Hope'?

One of the ships the flotilla of fools going to Gaza at the end of the month is an American ship called the Audacity of Hope. You can see who is planning to be on it by going here. Some of the names are familiar. Most of them seem to be in their 50's and 60's. Two are Israelis (aren't we our own worst enemy?).

I wonder how many motorcycles they're bringing along (yes, that's a picture of a 'Palestinian' bringing a motorcycle into Gaza from Egypt when the Rafah apartheid wall was opened in 2008).

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At 2:53 PM, Blogger aparatchik said...

Looks like a Saga cruise for old hippies.

At 2:57 PM, Blogger Isak BK Aasvestad said...

I think this says it all:

"Libor grew up as an artist/activist in the Czech Republic where he in 1992 joined environmental-indigenous-feminist-animal rights ANTI-war/globalization/racist/ sexist/homophobic/ oppression/ablist/classist/transphobic, xenophobia, Islamophobic, anti-Semitic movement, became a vegetarian and begun to work towards more just and equitable world."

At 5:12 PM, Blogger Benyaminov Shamil said...

Hello Carl

Do you know by any chance who funds these people and their trip...do you think by any chance US government is somehow indirectly sponsoring these morons. Thanks

At 3:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


The US government isn't supporting it directly. However, individuals can make contributions from the website, or at their fundraisers.

One such fundraiser is Rashid Khalidi, an American of Saudi/Lebanese descent and a director of the Middle East Institute at Columbia.

He is also a friend of Obama.

Looked at from this point of view, you can take any fundraiser or donor no matter how small or large, and link it to an official in the govt. Khalidi himself can be linked to Obama.

For those who are looking for material to blame the flotilla on how much Obama "hates Israel" they can seize upon Khalidi to prove that.

So you have your boogeyman now, to show how Obama is behind this sinister plot :)

At 8:23 PM, Blogger Benyaminov Shamil said...

@ Chayma

wow thank you for such clear explanation to my questions.

I like how he Obama likes to surround himself with dhimmis jews in order to look like he is a jew friendly.What a scumbag administration including those jews around him....fakes

At 3:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ben, I was being sarcastic, giving you the most prominent Muslim fundraiser so you don't have to keep looking under every nook and cranny to "prove" either Obama's Islamophilic tendencies or his "Soros" connections. I don't for a minute doubt the Soros foundation won't contribute to the flotilla.

I certainly don't agree with your "fakes" and "scumbags" and "dhimmi jews" assessments.
Obama had better win another term.

Inshallah he will :)

At 12:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chayma you are so funny! "Obama had better win another term." What are you going to do if he doesn't, blow something up?

Sarcasm indeed.


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