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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Shocka: Wikileaks anti-Semitic

I suppose this shouldn't be too big a surprise. The anarchists at Wikileaks are in cahoots with some big name anti-Semites.
Michael Moynihan, writing in Reason Magazine, shines light on another puzzling aspect of WikiLeaks: its association with rabid anti-Semites and Holocaust deniers. Israel Shamir, who once lived in Israel and served in the IDF, serves as the Russian-language aggregator for WikiLeaks. This same Shamir once told an audience at Tel Aviv’s Israel-Palestine Friendship Center, “Jews exist only to drip the blood of Palestinian children into their matzas,” and proclaims it the duty of every Muslim and Christian to deny the Holocaust.

As the person responsible for distributing the WikiLeaks cables to Russian news media, Shamir has added his own forgeries to the true documents. According to Russian reporter Yulia Layynina, on Echo Moskvy radio, he forged a cable showing collusion among those who walked out of a U.N. speech by Iranian President Ahmadinejad, whom he has described as a “brave and charismatic.” Shamir’s son, Swedish journalist Johannes Wahlstrom, serves as the Swedish spokesman and “gatekeeper” for the cables. Wahlstrom has his own history of falsification. In a 2005 article for a left-wing Swedish paper, he argued that the Swedish media is manipulated by Jewish interests on behalf of Israel. When three of those quoted complained that he had falsified their words, the magazine withdrew the story and apologized.

When queried about the Shamir/Wahlstrom connection to WikiLeaks, spokesman Kristinn Hrafnsson, did not deny that WikiLeaks knew of the accusations that Shamir is an anti-Semite, but professed to be perplexed about why the questioner thought that should make any difference.
Read the whole thing.

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At 2:38 PM, Blogger NormanF said...

No one would tolerate an anti-black bigot serving on Wikileaks. But an anti-Semite, no one thinks much of hating Jews for the progressive cause.

But then they have for a long time now.

At 2:15 PM, Blogger Alexander Maccabee said...

1: Wikileaks establishes "credibility" in the world.

2a: Wikileaks publishes leaks damaging to Israel.

2b: In lieu of no leaks existing which damage Israel, Wikileaks hires Hitleresque translators to "translate" [create from scratch] cables into malicious works of fiction which they hope will damage Israel.

3: Antisemites accept the manufactured cables as the Word of G0d [regardless of how many retractions and debunkings occur][G0d forbid], and parrot the fiction as fact for the next 200 years.

G-d forbid.

If we did not have HaShem... Baruch HaShem we do have Him.

Its time to knuckle down, put the Halakcha to law in Israel, and be real Jews. If we do not do this how can we expect Him to protect Israel? We seriously let Atheists run our country, whose sensablity closest to religion is, "What will the Goyim say?"?

Kahane was right.


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