Please send money

Please contribute whatever you can to keep this blog going. If everyone contributed ten cents(!) for each page view on this blog, I wouldn't have to look for more work practicing law than I already have. (Reality is that PayPal takes a cut, so if you account for 30 page views a month, please don't send a $3.00 contribution).
If you'd like to contribute, please click here. This post will be stuck to the top until October 15.
I apologize for any inconvenience or discomfort you may feel by being confronted with this post on the home page.
For those for whom the link above does not work, please try this:
I just sent you a tip. ;)
The Paypal button works but the contribute link in this entry does noy
When I click on the link I get:
Sorry — your last action could not be completed
In all honesty, when I first saw the accompanying pic, I was going to send you neggelwasser.
Consider using this image, instead.
I just sent you a tip too!
PLEASE SUPPORT CARL and this blog!
give us your israeli bank account nr. please....
Chrysler 300M,
Sorry but I'd rather not do that (and certainly not on the blog).
If you'd like, Paypal takes credit cards. Just click through to the link.
as soon as I'm back at work I will certainly send you money. I love your site and your work.
Carl, it seems to me you may have a core of readers who might be interested in being "members" of some sort, where discussion can go on. As I mentioned, your posts get daily attention, but I don't have the time to keep going back to see comments (plus my feeble brain can't remember how many comments there were on each post so that I'd think I should click on the comments again to see what someone has added). Maybe a twitter feed service (but more than 140 characters) that would be a feed of your posts, a post title/comment feed from your "gala" subscribers, comments from you that don't rise to being a post or that discuss with subscibers (not necessarily individual post related)... Maybe a second Blogger blog (that we $ubscribe to that would automatically take on your posts and full comments that you let through on your regular blog and then the subscibers can also post on there (hmm... it would have to have an alarm button for inappropriate or violent suggestions...). Anyway, I know, the day would have to expand to 48 hours... keep up the good work!
if you make subscription, I am in !!!
money sent, tiyeh bari
Long time reader, finally created an account. Tipped as well.
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