J Street Jan won't return her Soros money

J Street Jan Schakowsky (D-Il)
won't return contributions received from Jewish anti-Semite George Soros via J Street, despite demands by her opponent, Joel Pollak (R) that she do so.
I reject calls by my GOP opponent to return campaign contributions from JStreetPAC and his cynical attempt to turn Israel into a partisan wedge issue at this delicate and potentially historic moment. I stand behind President Obama's efforts to provide Israel with the lasting peace and security that only a two-state solution can achieve. And I commend JStreetPAC for its ongoing efforts to encourage debate and broaden the pro-Israel tent.
Will the Jews of Chicago's North side, and northern suburbs (Skokie, Evanston, Highland Park, etc.) come out to vote against J Street Jan? So far, it's not looking good. But Pollak is continuing to fight.
It is radical groups like J Street--sponsored by George Soros and foreign donors--that have made Israel into a political football. Today, while 85% of Republicans support Israel, only 48% of Democrats do. That is the direct result of pressure groups like J Street, together with the Obama administration’s ill treatment of Israel, and the weakness of Democratic leaders in confronting the anti-Israel radicals in their midst.
Jan Schakowsky has decided where she stands: with J Street and against Israel’s strongest defenders--not just Rubin and Pipes, but Elie Wiesel, Alan Dershowitz, Joe Lieberman, and Malcolm Hoenlein, each of whom has been attacked by J Street in recent months.
A true leader on Israel would not stand with a group that lies about taking foreign money and trashes America’s best ally. Schakowsky has to go.
Take a stand and fight J Street--tonight!
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