Why Christian Zionists support Israel

Four years ago, Pastor John Hagee founded Christians United for Israel (CUFI), which has become one of the largest pro-Zionist Christian organizations in the United States. With their encouragement, on Sunday May 23, churches around the United States will hear sermons about supporting Israel. Here's part of what Pastor Hagee has to say about it.
Given the history of Christian antisemitism, I am not at all surprised that many in the Jewish community are skeptical of Christian support for Israel. Some worry that our efforts are motivated by a desire to convert Jews. Others posit that our Zionism is tied to an effort to speed the second coming of Jesus. Both of these allegations are flat wrong. All we ask of our Jewish friends is that they get to know us before they judge us harshly on the basis of myths such as these.Read the whole thing. By the way, this piece appears in the Forward, which is definitely not an Orthodox Jewish publication.
Like all people of faith, we Christians firmly believe that our religion is true. But we also believe in religious freedom and have enormous respect for the Jewish faith. The first rule adopted by Christians United for Israel was that there would be no proselytizing at our events. CUFI exists only to honor and support the Jewish people, never to convert them.
Regarding the other allegation, the fact is that the vast majority of Christian Zionists and Evangelicals do not believe there is anything we can do to hasten the second coming of Jesus. Our theology is clear that we humans are utterly powerless to change God’s timetable. Yes, like many Jews we do believe that the creation of Israel was the fulfillment of biblical prophecy. And like our Jewish friends we also search the Scriptures to understand what may come next in God’s plans for His creation. But since we are powerless to change these plans, our motives for standing with Israel come from elsewhere. They are the motives discussed above.
Another concern that some individuals have expressed is that Christian Zionists will use our influence to stand in the way of efforts to advance a two-state solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict. Such a claim shows a complete disregard for our record. Like many supporters of Israel, some Christian Zionists have certainly grown skeptical of land-for-peace in the face of the failures of this formula the last few times it was tried. Yet from our founding four years ago, we decided that CUFI would never presume to tell Jerusalem how to conduct its foreign or domestic affairs. We have never, and will never, oppose Israeli efforts to advance peace. Our involvement in the peace process will continue to be restricted to defending Israel’s right to make decisions free of international interference or pressure — including U.S. pressure.
We cannot change the past. But we can try to learn from it. During the Holocaust there were Christians who risked their lives to save Jewish families. Christian Zionists believe that the tradition of the righteous gentile has an important role in the world today. We are not the heroes they were. We do not have to risk our lives as they did. But following their example, we will stand with the Jewish people as they face threats of a second Holocaust from Hitler’s ideological kin in Tehran and elsewhere.
Christian support for Israel starts with the Bible, is strengthened by an understanding of history and endures because of the Judeo-Christian commitment to democratic values. Everything that forms the Christian understanding of the world leads to the same conclusion: Christians should support Israel because it is simply the right thing to do.
Here's your friend Hagee, when he forgets to zip his pants up:
The CUFI files, part 1
The CUFI files, part 2
Just in time.
Carl, what you need is a big dose of the gospel truth from Pastor Kenneth Rawson. Listen to the whole thing.
As with any best friends, I ask, where were you (Pastor Hagee) 6 years ago in using your love for Israel to influence the wrong moves of the President 'you' supported.
The fact remains moot whether anyone has pure intentions.
What is a friend? Will they raise all kinds of hell even at the expense of humiliating and pressuring the person to whom they placed in the oval office? Will they wink and nod but say nothing for after all, that is their guy in charge. I ask, will they continue at all costs? Will they walk the talk no matter what it takes?
Upon reading the following can you tell me who of great influence walked the talk?
This btw does not mean those who speak are not our friends. Our friends might for 'whatever reasons' truly care for Israel. Sadly, what this boils down to is their words rang hollow.
It was fine the fine gentlemen Pastor Hagee spoke with passion when Jews were being blown to bits during the intifada. I really appreciated that. His words moved me at a time it seemed the whole world was against us.
(that is the trap I'm sorry to say) However with all his influence he failed to use it! Speaking for Israel and wearing duel lapel pins on ones suit is one thing. Actually forcing those who work against us, especially those we ourselves elect to office is the only way to match words to actions.
In the case of Israel we must be wary of 'friends.' Not because they like us for possible self-serving reasons... who cares!
After all the sound of support is healing and encouraging to those who are made to suffer. We must be wary only until they walk the talk. If they are for real, this is what they owe us. That is the litmus test by whom friends must be judged.
Once and for all we must not allow ourselves to get duped either by friends or elected officials we put into office. Our eyes must be open 24/7 as much as they are when foes are in office.
In an interview this week on Arutz 7, Pastor Kenneth Rawson (a true Christian Zionist) didn't have a lot of nice things to say about Pastor Hagee and the agenda of many of Israel's evangelical friends. It's worth listening to at
"Christian Zionists believe that the tradition of the righteous gentile has an important role in the world today."
Does this mean that Christian Zionists are "jew-centric"?
give me a call when all of these wonderful people become gerim toshav and accept noachide law
until then, they can keep sending their money and supporting israel, but dont expect me to embrace them.
for just a few years ago, these same righteous gentiles were stating that i and my brethren were all going straight to hell for refusing to accept yashka as my savior
oh, and give me a call, when each and every one of them decry the continued attempts to convert jews.
please carl, dont go prager on me
Right on the subject and right on the money. Read it all:
Jewish Israel: The your people shall be my people consummation and provocation
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