Barack Obama v. Jerusalem Day

An excellent comment from
Jonathan Tobin.
The juxtaposition of a Jerusalem Day celebrated under tacit American protest ought to remind American friends of Israel who remain supporters of Obama that the man they elected president has done more to undermine the unity of the Jewish state’s capital than 43 years of Arab propaganda. Those who never wish to see the city divided again or to have Jews barred from parts of it must understand that this is exactly the direction in which the Obama administration is headed.
Read the whole thing.
The only thing Obama is doing unlike President George W. Bush is saying out loud what he wishes for Jerusalem.
When Bush failed to sign the embassy act and failed again to send even the lowest level representative of his administration to the Anniversary of the Reunification of Jerusalem, he said 'without words,' Jerusalem does not entirely belong to Israel. What HE PREVENTED spoke like a firestorm,to the entire world Jerusalem is 'NOT' the undivided capital of Israel.
If it were possible to have not been in political blindness when Bush was in office (especially 2nd term) and allowed ourselves to see the pox he was making upon Israel I truly believe we would be in a different place today for after all we voted for him. We supported him!! Rather then use readily available pressure from his supporters, we did next to nothing. Hate to say it, but finger Obama is making could have been the one before him.
There were no firestorms when he made his thumbprint upon what happens next in regard to Israel. Surely no firestorms in regard to our beloved Jerusalem! No mass protests were made in the years he failed to sign the embassy act. No mass protests when he failed to send a representative to the Anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem. No mass protests when he called Abbas a man of peace stating "his Palestinian state will be viable, contiguous and not resembling swiss chess." No mass protests when Bush continued to use the term "daily humiliation of occupation!!" When Bush made the statements linking PEACE IN THE WHOLE OF THE ME to what happens with denying Palestinian statehood there was barely a YAWN. No mass protest when Bush formulated the Quartet for Peace made up of 3 openly hostile entities of Israel!! (led by what we thought to be our BEST FRIEND)
Certainly barely a peep when he did that following the worse intifada Israel ever saw!!
We can continue to act like kindergartners with no understanding of the past claiming Obama is a million times worse then Bush. Of course no one can debate that in fact Obama is indeed worse then Bush was....because he is. However the lack of insight into how Bush sowed a very potent fertilizer upon the so-called Peace Process proves this is a political issue not a matter of the actual survival of Israel.
We are duped again as far as I am concerned. We have certainly failed to understand they all want Palestinian statehood far far more then the Palestinians and at the expense of Israel.
Palestinian statehood has been the conquest of many armies far stronger then those who actually state their wishes to wipe Israel off the map!!
We didn't see it. We believed never again. We trusted. Now look where we are!
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