Who killed Daniel Pearl?

President Obama cannot bear to say who killed Daniel Pearl or why he was killed. The occasion was a signing ceremony for the Freedom of the Press Act.
All around the world there are enormously courageous journalists and bloggers who, at great risk to themselves, are trying to shine a light on the critical issues that the people of their country face; who are the frontlines against tyranny and oppression. And obviously the loss of Daniel Pearl was one of those moments that captured the world’s imagination because it reminded us of how valuable a free press is, and it reminded us that there are those who would go to any length in order to silence journalists around the world.Let's get this straight. Daniel Pearl was murdered by Islamic terrorists in Pakistan because he was a Jew. The murderers made him say it on the tape and it's available for anyone who wants to find it on the internet.
But President Obumbler cannot use the term 'Islamic terrorists' and cannot admit that people are still murdered because they are Jews.
More from Jennifer Rubin here.
"All around the world there are enormously courageous journalists and bloggers who, at great risk to themselves, are trying to shine a light on the critical issues that the people of their country face...."
Then why do you allow people in your administration to openly speak of limiting free speech on the Internet? I know the answer, people like Rahm Emanuel and Cass Sunstein aren't very good at hiding who they are (aside from traitors to their people, that is), and your hiring of them when you surely knew who they were and are speaks volumes.
"And obviously the loss of Daniel Pearl...."
The "loss" of Daniel Pearl? What, he fell into a hole in the ground and is now visiting Alice in Wonderland, or journeying to the center of the Earth? Come ON, state the facts - the poor SOB was MURDERED, and MURDERED for his faith and that of his ancestors.
This cowardice, this intentional failure to speak the truth, is particularly galling to me because in the same week that Mr. Pearl was MURDERED, I found out that one of the uncles of my maternal grandmother had been beheaded in Treblinka. Same crime, different time, place and perpetrator.
Obama, I have no use for you and your band of traitorous, anti-American and anti-Israel fellow-traveling Socialists and Communists. I pray for the day when you all go away.
But I don't wish that you get lost, not as Daniel Pearl was "lost," because I am not a hate-filled, sadistic murderer like those who MURDERED Mr. Pearl.
Also, his concept that Daniel Pearl's beheading "captured the world's imagination"... nauseates me. Think about it. The Western world uses that phrase to talk about landing on the moon, building a fabulous building, or going under the sea in a scientific bathysphere. President Obama is speaking of some other "world" whose imaginations are captured by a man sitting on the ground saying what he's told just before his head is sawed off. Just captivating (according to Obama)!
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