How liberal Jews are enabling the next Holocaust

The problem, however, isn't with leading Jewish organizations that defend Israel, but with liberalism. As sickening as it sounds, Jewish liberals see their fellow Jews as noble when they are victims being led helplessly into the gas chambers, but recoil at the thought of Jews who refuse to be victims, and actually take actions to defend themselves. It isn't too different from American liberal attitudes toward criminal justice or terrorism, where morality is turned upside down and the lines between criminals and victims become blurred, and in certain cases, even reversed.Indeed.
In the case of Israel, what changed over time was that Israel went from a state that exemplified Jewish victimhood (a role that Jewish liberals are comfortable with) to one in which Jews were actually in a position of power, which liberals are not comfortable with. Meanwhile, Palestinians, aided by the media, effectively exploited Jewish liberals by portraying themselves as the real victims, and Israel as the oppressors. I experienced this first hand once when I went on a Birthright Israel trip (which is a paid trip for American Jews to travel to Israel). At one point, we went to the cemetery at Mount Herzl, which is sort of Israel's equivalent of Arlington National Cemetery, and is located by Yad Vashem, Israel's main Holocaust Museum. While stopping at the cemetery, we were asked to offer our feelings standing in a cemetery honoring fallen Israeli soldiers, and the first American Jew who commented was this liberal girl who reflected, "All I can think about is how many Palestinian graves there are."
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I never thought I would feel this way, but there is a tragic echo in the 1930's and 1940's with American Jews doing or saying precious little while six million Jews were being killed in Europe.
They did not march to allow Jews to enter/flee into the US. There were notable exceptions, but these were exceptions, not the rule. They were scared to risk the ire of Charles Lindbergh before the war, and FDR during the war. They were scared of being called unpatriotic, of having dual loyalties, of working against the war effort. They're silence was deafening.
They were, with notable exceptions, Americans first, Jews second. Am I missing something?
Jews became popular among American Jews after the "discovery" of what had happened in Europe. This is the bitter truth. But the truth is more nuanced and disgusting.
Yep. Israel is not powerless enough to satisfy many American Jews. The change of the Six War War made Jews feel uncomfortable with Israel's new position of strength and they have been working hard to reverse it ever since.
In some other times in history:
In a 1938 essay, Mohandas ("Mahatma") Gandhi, the spiritual and political leader of the Indian independence movement, counseled Jews in Nazi Germany to neither flee nor resist, but rather offer themselves up to be killed by their enemies, since their "suffering voluntarily undergone will bring them an inner strength and joy."...
wow, that was great
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