That supposed nuclear deal with Iran

Jennifer Rubin comments:
This is preposterous given the dispositions of Brazil and Turkey these days, the impossibility of verification, and the likelihood that these nations would return the nuclear material whenever the Iranians wanted it. But it is not significantly less preposterous than the original deal the Obama team gushed over, and the administration may now see this as an escape hatch. (Done! Problem solved!) As the report notes, “the blessing of Turkey and Brazil for such a swap agreement could put the Obama administration in the awkward position of appearing to take an unreasonably hard line.” Because, you see, we wouldn’t want to insist on a “hard line,” namely, that a brutal Islamic fundamentalist state dedicated to the eradication of Israel be forced to forgo a nuclear program or face dire consequences.Obama's cowardice in the face of Iran and its allies is nothing less than appalling.
He will go down in history with Neville Chamberlain for having failed to prevent a preventable and deadly war through his moral weakness and delusion.
Why is any one so surprised? As Barry Rubin remarked yesterday, if the Obama Administration hasn't learned from its foreign policy blunders by now, its unlikely to for the remainder of its time in office.
What could go wrong indeed
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