The new UK government and Israel
This report on the new Cabinet published in the Jewish Chronicle of the UK is somewhat reassuring. Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg will not, as feared, assume the post of Foreign Secretary. That post will be held by William Hague, regarded as reasonably pro-Israel based on his time as leader of the Tory minority and Shadow Foreign Secretary. Defence Secretary Liam Fox is a member of the Conservative Friends of Israel.There's much more on Gove too. He sounds quite promising.
But for me the great conservative hope in Cameron's cabinet has to be Education Secretary Michael Gove. Gove has only been in Parliament since the 2005 election, but he was tapped immediately for the post of Shadow Education Secretary and mentioned as a possible future leader of the Tories.
Before his election, Gove was a journalist, and he was known for his hawkish views on foreign policy matters in the heated debates that raged after 9/11.
Although his 'front-bench' duties demanded from him a greater focus on education policy, he continued to speak out in defiance of the increasingly anti-Israel and pacifist conventional wisdom. He took on anti-Americanism, as well as anti-Semitism on the left and the right. And he published a column defending Israel's decision to launch Operation Cast Lead in Hamas-ruled Gaza in January 2009, while hostilities were still ongoing and both elite and popular opinion in the U.K. were running heavily against the Jewish state.
Read the whole thing.
As I have pointed out several times before, not all us Brits are socialst appeasement clowns.
"He sounds quite promising..."
We are starved for attention. And I wonder why we don't get it and when we do we take these slick political friends for their word.
Oh, those good friends of Israel. For now it would serve us better to bring to light who gets their hands on our friends and why?
Speaking of friends I just read on YNET our quartet for peace (made up of arch enemies of Israel...(quartet formulated by our good friend George Bush when Israel barely made it through the last intifada) seems to think Hamas should not be isolated because they are already speaking with them. Friends who help us indeed.
So Thud, you are taking the guy merely at his word because he has nice words for Israel? I want the "new UK" to prove me wrong. I already have a huge bet on it. Just watch, the 'old UK' and the vast powers that be will not allow it to happen. The guy will cave like a house of cards.
Until that happens I await the time he challenges openly in a public forum the haters and bigots and antisemites who make life a living hell for Jews/Israel.
Waiting for him to hold a mass rally for the undivided capital of Israel.
Waiting for him to expose the truth even if he gets tossed out the door for it!
Waiting for him to butt heads with the House of Saud and all their appeasers and those who appease them. This is about who owns who far more then who says they support us.
I ask G-d to make me wrong. This is how passionate I feel about the ways in which we are duped.
To whom it may concern: IDF Spox, please hand over to Hague, Gove, and the rest of your supporters engineering level drawings, data, etc. regarding the rockets landing on civilian areas of Israel and the logistics (and associated cost) to Israel of the shelters, safe rooms, warning procedures, etc. These materials can be used to support Israel's duty to defend its citizens against these warcrime attacks.
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