Pirates seek to board Israeli cargo ship off Somalia

Pirates sought to board an Israeli cargo ship about 700 kilometers off the coast of Somolia on Saturday morning. The pirates were unable to board due to the barbed wire around the ship's deck. The ship was eventually able to
outrun the pirates. The ship, which was flying a Maltese flag, had no Israeli crew members on board.
The incident began when pirates atop two speedboats opened handgun fire at the ship. They tried to climb the ship but a barbed wire running around the deck prevented them from getting aboard.
After their attempt to board the ship failed, the pirates returned to the speedboats and began tailing the Africa Star, an activity they pursued for several hours. But the ship managed to flee as the pirates and another mother ship that accompanied them were too slow.
As the incident began to unfold, the emergency room at the Zim [Israeli cargo ship company. CiJ] offices in Haifa contacted NATO headquarters in the Gulf of Aden through the Foreign Ministry and the Navy.
A British fighter jet was scrambled and the pilot reported that he was in eye with the pirate ships.
You can bet a lot more shipping companies will be running barbed wire around their decks now.
"A British fighter jet was scrambled and the pilot reported that he was in eye with the pirate ships.
So the pilot could have easily scrambled the pirates, or was he on an EU goodwill mission?
It would take less than an afternoons work to be rid of these pirates.
I think British rules of engagement require catching them in the act to allow a response of deadly force. Same with most European countries.
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Drats! And there were no Zionists on board. I'm not sure if they knew it was a Zim vessel.
"You can bet a lot more shipping companies will be running barbed wire around their decks now."
You can bet a lot more pirates will be carrying wirecutters from now on.
Seriously, bring back the Q-ship.
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