
Referring to the upcoming Passover holiday, Livni compared herself to Moses and the opposition to the Israelites in the desert.Heh.
"On Passover, we celebrate the Jewish people following proper leadership in the desert," Livni said. "The leadership spoke to the people and taught them about their basic values."
Coalition chairman Ze'ev Elkin responded that Moses, unlike Livni, was known for his modesty. He said Livni would parch in the desert of the opposition for a long time.
And you Americans thought Obama was bad. At least he won the election.
Witty comebacks based in Jewish lore make me hopeful.
Moshe had principles. Kadima is a party with no - scratch that -it has Abu Matzen's ideology. You know, the same "peace partner" who will laud the murderer of a Jewish child as a hero. Tzipi Livni is not fit to stand in Moshe Kadoshenu's company. She's more like the 10 spies who rebelled against G-d and condemned the Children Of Israel to wander for 40 years in the wilderness.
Come to think of it, that's how long Kadima should spend there.
Tzippi is not so far off.
I am willing to concede that she's as pretty as Charlton Heston.
I had the same king of answer in mind but the likud MK overook me!
I thank H.shem and all voters for not having her as PM...
We are still on the brink of abyss but thanks to Avigdor's inaugural speech,we already crawled back from some millimeters !
As FM, Livni was quixotic, confused, and dangerous; as opposition leader, she is bitter and still confused.
She would do Israel immeasurable benefit by moving to someplace like Paris or New York where she would fit right in with the chic post-Zionist crowd.
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