Will Netanyahu put Israel first

The Post isn't wrong, though. Its reporter Howard Schneider accurately states what the international community, including President Obama, expects from Israel. But the expectation that Israel will agree to a Palestinian state regardless of how the Palestinians negotiate and, more importantly, how they behave is unreasonable.I agree that it's unreasonable and that Netanyahu's duty to Israelis comes first. Will he? I hope Paul is right, but after having Ariel Sharon get elected and adopt his opponent's program ('disengagement' from Gaza), a lot of Israelis are awfully leery right now.
Like any leader of a sovereign state, Netanyahu's primary duty is to his country, not to the international community. Netanyahu cannot fulfill both his duty to the people of Israel and the expectation that negotiations with the Palestinians will produce a Palestinian state no matter what. He clearly understands this, and will, I think, put his country first.
Read the whole thing.
Carl - every rightist politician in Israel is susceptible to the Etrog Syndrome. If they come under criminal suspicion, the fastest way they can get rid of it is to move to the Left. Ariel Sharon did it to save himself and his sons and Avigdor Lieberman may well do the same thing down the road. Because of this, I too am leery of the Israeli government's future direction.
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