Great Golda Meir story

In the
Corner, Jay Nordlinger has a great Golda Meir story:
Finally, Bernard Lewis once told me a story about Golda Meir at Princeton. She did not give a speech. She just said, “Look, you know my views. You know my outlook on the world. I have been a public figure for a long time. Why don’t you just ask me some questions.”
So, during this session, someone said, “Why is it that the PLO belongs to UNESCO while Israel does not?” (Israel was forbidden to join, of course.) And Golda said, “Well, let’s see: ‘UNESCO’ stands for ‘United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization.’ Obviously, the Palestinians have more to contribute to education, science, and culture than we do.”
Sometimes, sarcasm is the most effective tool in the box.
Carl - I'm dying to learn exactly what those Palestinian contributions to education, science and culture are.
They have invented the notion of killing innocents and getting recognized and praised for it.
They have invented the concept of glorifying the death of their own children.
They have found a way to fool all the people all the time.
They are THE masters at public relations. They are terrorists and champions of peace (according to the rest of the world). They kill, cheat, lie and get a Nobel Peace prize for it.
The NEVER make concessions and yet make Israel look like the "bad guy".
I think that they have now elevated lying, cheating and killing to the level of an exact science. Therefore, they clearly belong in UNESCO.
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