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Friday, April 05, 2013

'Palestinian' fauxtography being used to rile up the natives over Abu Hamdiyeh

Since it's been widely publicized that Maissara Abu Hamdiyeh, the 'Palestinian' terrorist who died this week, died of esophageal cancer, some of you might be wondering how the 'Palestinians' are convincing their 'people' that it was Israel's fault. The picture above is one example of 'Palestinian' fauxtography in action (Hat Tip: Asher G).
Today a photo appeared on the internet, passed off as being an image of Maysara Abu Hamdiya, a Palestinian prisoner who died this week in an Israeli prison. Hamdiya suffered from cancer, and the allegation is that he did not receive the medical treatment he needed. The photo shows him handcuffed to a hospital bed and insinuates that he received cruel, inhumane treatment during his prison sentence.

The Israeli Prison Services spokeswoman, Sivan Weizman, explained that the prison had taken all the necessary precautions for Abu Hamdiya’s health, including transferring him to a prison closer to hospital facilities should he need them.

Can you guess what's wrong with the picture above?

Here's the original:

The image implies that Abu Hamdiya handcuffed to a hospital bed. In reality, the arm pictured above is a cropped portion of a photo taken in Syria of a hospitalized rebel. The photo was originally published on December 8th, 2012.
But no 'Palestinian' will believe that anyway. 

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