Cadets dismissed from officers' course for going to synagogue instead of class

The lesson was moved to an earlier time at the last moment, and therefore coincided with the regular time for the shacharit prayer. The soldiers – who are from the Gefen Battalion – prayed instead of attending the lesson.If the army wants everyone to serve, they're not going to make it easier for religious soldiers to do so by doing things like this. I have a friend who heads an advocacy group for religious soldiers, and in the past he has told me similar things to what Orlev said. And the truth is - what Orlev said makes sense.
MK Zevulun Orlev (Jewish Home) said that it was unacceptable that the IDF does not allow shacharit prayer at its proper time. "Only during an operational need or an emergency or during war, should the prayer give precedence to the operational need."
"It is too bad that all those involved – the commanders, the battalion rabbi and the combat soldiers – were not able to solve this problem, and instead turned it into a crisis."
Orlev blamed the IDF top command, too. "I call upon the Chief of Staff and the Head of Personnel Branch to change the atmosphere and create a more placating atmosphere that will allow religious and hareidi soldiers to serve in the IDF, in combat units too, while completely maintaining their religious lifestyle."
But the army seems determined to drive as many religious soldiers as possible out of its officers' corps (recall the story about the women singing, which also happened in an officers' course). The last gasp of the 'secular revolution'? Maybe.
Labels: IDF, religious freedom
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