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Sunday, January 01, 2012

What Americans don't know about Obama's foreign policy

Caroline Glick writes that most Americans don't know yet just how badly President Obama has damaged American interests overseas.
According to a Gallup poll from early November, the US public also believes that Obama’s foreign policy has been successful. Whereas 67 percent of Americans disapproved of Obama’s handling of the economy and the federal budget deficit, 63% of Americans approved of his terrorism strategy. So, too, 52% approved of his decision to remove US forces from Iraq. In general, 49% of Americans approved of Obama’s handling of foreign affairs while 44% disapproved.

These support levels tell us a great deal about the insularity of the American public. For when one assesses the impact to date of Obama’s foreign policy it is impossible to avoid the conclusion that if the US public was more aware of the actual consequences of his policies, his approval rating in foreign affairs would be even lower than his approval rating in domestic policy. Indeed, a cursory examination of the impact so far of Obama’s foreign policies in country after country and region after region indicates that his policies have been more damaging to US national interests than those of any president since Jimmy Carter. And unlike Obama, Americans widely recognized that Carter’s foreign policies were failed and dangerous.

The failure of Obama’s foreign policies has been nowhere more evident than in the Middle East.
Read the whole thing.



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