Mossad recruiting Kurds to spy on Iran's nuclear program

Mossad assets in KurdistanHmmm.
Iran has already produced enough fuel to power four warheads. But even if it be that the fuel flows through the new centrifuges Fordow. Yet no one knows if Tehran has taken such a decision fraught with consequences. In any case, the United States, the priority does not seem to stop any Iranian nuclear capability, but rather to stop the manufacture of a nuclear weapon. "Are they trying to develop a nuclear weapon?" Leon Panetta has called the program "Face the Nation" on CBS. "No. But we know they are trying to develop a nuclear capability. That concerns us. (But) our red line is that Iran does not develop nuclear weapons ", was keen to stress Panetta, speaking after the Iranian nuclear charge. Also during the weekend, Tehran announced the arrest of a number of "undetermined spies" who would work in Washington. True or false accusation? The fact remains that the United States and Israel have stepped up sabotage against nuclear facilities sensitive, while guided targeted assassinations of Iranian nuclear experts. "The Mossad used for this autonomous region of Iraqi Kurdistan, where his agents have increased their penetration," said a security source in Baghdad. "The Israelis, she says, using the Kurdish opposition to the Iranian regime who are refugees in the Kurdish regions of Iraq."
Labels: Iranian Kurds, Iranian nuclear program, Mossad
There is no doubt that the Kurds are brave enough to do this! God bless them!
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