The Muslim Brotherhood speaks

MJT: Now, wait just a minute.He jumps around a little bit from topic to topic, doesn't he? Here's another one:
Armin Rosen: You think it’s okay for China to buy oil from Sudan, but it’s not okay for the U.S. to re-establish ties with Qaddafi after he gave up his nuclear weapons program? Isn’t that a double standard?
Esam El-Erian: China’s interests are economic only. It doesn’t link economics and politics. All your candidates say they will transfer your embassy from Tel Aviv to Al Quds [Jerusalem].
MJT: They always say that, but they never do it.
Esam El-Erian: But what’s the message to the Arab world? This is very dangerous for the image of Americans. You are biased!
MJT: Yeah, but you’re biased, too. You guys are completely biased toward the Palestinians.
Esam El-Erian: When Congressmen stood up thirty times to salute Netanyahu when he gave his speech in the Congress, it destroyed any dream for peace.
MJT: Why should Americans be unbiased, but it’s okay for you to be biased?
Esam El-Erian: We are fighting for and defending our interests.
MJT: So are we. That’s how the world works.
Esam El-Erian: This is our right.
Can you imagine a democratic Syria or a democratic Jordan assimilating Palestinians in their lands? They cannot. It is a matter of time. Those people must go back [to Israel]. You prevent Mexicans by force from secret immigration.
MJT: Only illegal immigrants, not legal immigrants.
Esam El-Erian: This is illegal. We cannot have non-citizens in our lands. They take our jobs.
MJT: Palestinian refugees have been living in Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan for more than 60 years.
Esam El-Erian: No! Even if they’ve been there for 200 years, they must go back [to Israel].
MJT: What about all the Jews in Israel that got thrown out of places like Baghdad?
Esam El-Erian: Let them live together.
MJT: Should they go back to Baghdad?
Esam El-Erian: Let them live together. Why not? Live together.
MJT: They can’t live together because they don’t like each other.
Esam El-Erian: What about the Jews who came from Russia? Why do you put pressure on Syrian people, or Lebanese people, to compensate and tolerate Palestinians? You never put any pressure on Israel to compensate or tolerate Palestinians. Is this biased or not biased?
MJT: It’s biased, but why should we not be biased and not stick by our allies, while you are biased and stick by your allies? That’s just how the world works. Look, I don’t expect Egyptians to suddenly like Israel, so why…
Esam El-Erian: Our only war is the war for democracy. Those guys in Tahrir Square and Syria and Yemen are struggling for democracy. When democracy flourishes, it will solve everything, including the conflict with Israel. Democracy will solve it, peacefully, without bloodshed. We need democracy and freedom. These are human values. Are we an exception? We are not an exception!
You spend 40 million dollars here to promote democracy. This was declared in the Congress. This is good. But you can keep this for yourselves, and we can build our democracy without any aid.
MJT: You would rather that Americans who support Egyptian democracy not help you?
Esam El-Erian: Keep your money for poor Americans. It’s better for you.
MJT: Well, a lot of Americans would agree with you about that.
Esam El-Erian: You have trouble with your health care system. Sick people in America need this money. It would be good for them. And good for us.
MJT: Who is the enemy of the Egyptians?Read the whole thing.
Esam El-Erian: Israelis.
MJT: You guys have a peace treaty with Israel.
Esam El-Erian: If they respect it, the Egyptian people will respect it, but the Israelis do not respect it.
MJT: Israel is not attacking Egypt.
Esam El-Erian: Israel attacks everybody.
MJT: Israel is not attacking Egypt.
Esam El-Erian: Why are you neglecting the attack on Gaza?
MJT: Gaza is not Egypt.
Esam El-Erian: Bombs came over our borders. Why do you neglect the treaty? We have no comprehensive peace and no Palestinian state.
The whole world is changing. This is a time to revise the whole world order, as George Bush the father said. We need a new world order. Human beings should have equal lives and equal opportunities with the West. We must share in this new order and not be neglected all the time.
Labels: Michael Totten, Muslim Brotherhood
I can't figure out whether El-Erian is a Muslim or a leftist.
The first thing that always strikes me is how ugly, dirty and evil they look. It amkes me feel physically ill. :((
The Arabs of course blame all their problems on Israel. As long as they have that mindset, they will remain non-competitive with the Jews.
Shy guy
I can't figure out whether El-Erian is a Muslim or a leftist.
Politically, Muslims relate to the left, but religously, to the right. That's why I can relate to you religously, but politically, you're impotent :)
Chayma, religiously, you're an Islamic mental midget.
Shyguy the impotent:)
Chayma, religiously, you're an Islamic mental midget.
That is still wayyyyyyyyy above your graduation from the Robert Spencer Islamic studies dept.
"Politically Muslims relate to the left".
What a load of crap. The Muslim Brotherhood is about as far right as it's possible to be.
"We cannot have non-citizens in our lands. They take our jobs."
Taken straight out of the BNP manifesto! And these are the "Palestinians" that all Arabs supposedly care about? What a hypocritical shit head. What a nasty piece of work.
You support these horrible people Chayma? Well I hope you don't mind covering your hair up and aren't too attached to all those rights you enjoy as a woman in the free west.
Listen to the whole interview, and understand what he says in it’s context. But then again, you’d need to be able to understand the Muslim mind, which you cannot, as is evident from your statements. Just to highlight one of your gems:
“Well I hope you don't mind covering your hair up and aren't too attached to all those rights you enjoy as a woman in the free west.”
Hair covering isn’t exclusive to Muslim women. Most Muslim countries don’t require to women to cover hair (Egypt doesn’t) they do it by choice. SECULAR IRAQI WOMEN WHEN GIVE THE VOTE, VOTED IN ISLAMIC PARTIES rather than the Baathist parties, because they give them have more rights.
Since when did covering or not covering hair equate to freedom ot lack thereof? Women in the “free west” cover their hair. Neophytes are more Muslim than the born Muslims.
Tell me about these hair and sometimes face covering “free western” women then Matt, and why they’d regard your thinking as extremely shallow :)
How 100,000 Britons have chosen to become Muslim... and average convert is 27-year-old white woman
The figure has almost doubled in ten years – with the average convert now a 27-year-old white woman fed up with British consumerism and immorality.
I am always astonished at the arrogance of those who pretend to know us better than we know ourselves. Maybe you can tell me why Iraqi women VOTED for the Islamic parties? If elections are held in Egypt, women will CHOOSE Islmaic parties over secular ones. What doese that tell you?
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