Senators raise concern over location of x-band radar in Turkey

Republican Senators Jon Kyl and Mark Kirk wrote Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton seeking reassurances on the possible deal, which was described in a news report last week.What could go wrong?
The lawmakers asked for "written assurances" that data collected by a so-called X-band radar "will be made available, in real time" to staunch US ally Israel to be "fully integrated into its battlement management and control."
They also sought a guarantee that "Turkish entities are not engaged, or suspected of engaging" in activities that fall afoul of various US laws aimed at curbing suspected nuclear weapons programs in Iran and Syria and keeping sensitive know-how from North Korea.
And President Barack Obama's administration must also certify that the powerful radar will only be operated by US personnel, and for 24 hours a day, seven days a week, except for maintenance breaks, the senators said.
Labels: John Kyl, Mark Kirk, Turkey, x-band radar
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