White House pushing back on aid to Hamas - Fatah unity government

In defending assistance to the Palestinian Authority, U.S. officials told Congress that American financial support for the Palestinian government helps build institutions and strengthen stability, both of which they said are keys to a future peace deal with Israel.'Essential needs'? You mean like paying salaries to terrorists? Is that what the Obama administration considers an 'essential need'?
The officials tried to rebut lawmakers’ claims that support for the Palestinian government, which is sharing power with Hamas, sends the wrong message to parties on both sides of the conflict.
“These activities are designed to help the (Palestinian Authority) to meet essential needs and to offer an alternative to those who reject a two-state solution and exploit human suffering to radicalize the population and recruit supporters,” Deputy Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern Affairs Jacob Walles said in prepared remarks before the House Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia.
Read the whole thing.
Labels: Hamas-Fatah reconciliation, US foreign aid
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