10 European countries to upgrade 'Palestinian' missions

Erekat said that the move follows Norway’s recent decision to upgrade the status of the Palestinian representative office. Moreover, the move comes in wake of three South American countries to recognize a Palestinian state on the 1967 borders, he added.And accepting the Jewish state's right to exist is apparently not part of the deal.
A PA official told The Jerusalem Post that the decision to seek international recognition of a Palestinian state was designed to shift the conflict from one over “occupied Palestinian territories” to one over an “occupied state with defined borders.”
The official said that while the Palestinians did not expect the recognition to end Israeli “occupation,” it would increase international support for the Palestinians and their cause.
Erekat said that the Palestinian position has earned the support of a majority in the international community.
Erekat did not say which EU countries were expected to upgrade the status of the Palestinian representative missions.
Earlier this week, the PA said it has appealed to several EU countries separately to recognize a Palestinian state on the June 4, 1967, borders.
The PLO negotiator said that Norway’s decision to upgrade the status of the Palestinian office to embassy level had “embarrassed and worried” the Israeli government.
“The Israelis are afraid that the issue of recognition of a Palestinian state would enter the EU,” he said. “We urge the international community to salvage the two-state solution by recognizing a Palestinian state on the 1967 borders.”
Erekat said that the issue of recognizing a Palestinian state was a “free, independent and sovereign” matter for each country.
The US administration can’t prevent other countries from exercising their sovereign right, he said.
Nabil Sha’ath, another member of the PA negotiating team, said the Palestinians would accept nothing less than an independent state on the 1967 borders, with Jerusalem as its capital, and the “right of return” for refugees.Of course, if the 'refugees' came to Israel, there would be no Jewish state left.
He ruled out the possibility that the Palestinians would resort at this stage to an armed struggle against Israel, saying that the best option for now was a “popular struggle.”
What could go wrong?
Labels: diplomatic immunity, Saeb Erekat
The more countries, the more likelihood of a war between Israel and the fake PA country. I think the desperation of Arabs Oil money to prop up their failing economies, the threat of more terrorism, and the hatred for Jews is behind this. There's no way Europe countries is doing this out of benevolence.
And Israel's dhimmi Jewish leadership fiddles in the face of this Palestinian provocation rather than move to dissolve the hostile PA and extend full Israeli sovereignty over Yesha.
What could go wrong indeed
hmmmm, in for a dime in for a dollar. For an occupied state within recognized borders (guess Oslo is dead and buried )the Palis need Israel's immediate help; the Zionist entity is jut not holding up its end occupation-wise; continued jurisdiction in area C vis a vis the defunct Oslo protocols and security cooperation with the PA police and security organs hardly begins to measure up to occupation worthy of the name. Erekhat's doing his bit now its time for the IDF to reciprocate. Back to Ramallah guys!
Carl, the main issue here is not about a spontaneous recognition of palestinain (sic) statehood by the global community.
The problem is what will happen the day after? What infrastructure has been put in place by the PA to ensure a smooth transposition to statehood?
Nothing. When it comes to efficiency and even the basic principles of democracy, the PA has more in common with Zimbabwe than it does with the USA.
In fact all they have spent aid money on is paying corrupt officials and... well they have an army (of sorts).
Which means they fit the profile of your common-or-garden dictatorship.
As an Israeli I can't wait for them to have a state of their own. I predict war, corruption, targeted assassinations, and no, this time they will be doing all this to themselves. At some point they will lob some missiles at Israel and we will be forced to go in and kick butt.
Op Cast lead II I presume?
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