Mr. Western threatens violence

Speaking Sunday morning, Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad said that Israel's imposition of another three month building freeze in Judea and Samaria would not prompt the PA to return to the negotiating table. Speaking in an interview with Arab media, Fayyad said that a freeze that did not include Jerusalem “was useless.” Fayyad said that he hoped to declare an independent Palestinian state within two years, if not through negotiations, then through a PA appeal to the UN for recognition of such a state.And you thought he was just like an American or a European, didn't you? He's just another terrorist like the rest of them.
In the interview, Fayyad stressed the “right” of PA Arabs to “a popular uprising,” and reiterated the PA's refusal to recognize Israel as a Jewish state.
Labels: Salam Fayyad, terrorists
Carl - exactly what I've said for the past few threads running.
The revanant freeze extension is not intended to coax the Palestinians back to the table. No one in Israel seriously expects them to return. Its more of a payoff to Obama in exchange for a couple of F 35s and understandings for Israel's security needs in the Jordan Valley.
The Palestinians won't come back because the freeze extension doesn't include Jerusalem and even if it did, they would find another excuse not to negotiate.
Don't look for the peace talks to resume any time soon in the future.
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