Where was he during the Bush administration?

Steve Benen:Funny, I don't recall hearing anything from Sullivan in 2007 when then-House speaker Nancy Pelosi led a delegation of Democrats to Damascus to undermine the Bush administration's policy of isolating Bashar al-Assad.This is a legitimate scandal worthy of far more attention. When dealing with foreign policy and climate change, Republicans believe in trying to deliberately sabotage the position of the U.S. government. The same is true of U.S. policy towards Iran, and in the case of New START, possibly even U.S. policy towards Russia. Now it's true of U.S. policy towards Israel, too.Where indeed?
It's obviously not unreasonable for Americans to debate whether the Obama administration is pursuing the correct course on foreign policy, and I fully expect members of Congress from both parties to demand accountability of the White House. People can and should speak out when they disagree with the administration's approach to Israel, Iran, Russia, or any other country.
But Cantor's move is something altogether different. Just a few years after he suggested it was literally criminal for an American official to talk to a foreign leader and work against the sitting president, Cantor has done just that.
Where's the outrage?
So maybe Sullivan's (and Benen's) criticism is just partisan?
Labels: Andrew Sullivan, Bashar al-Assad, Binyamin Netanyahu, Eric Cantor, Nancy Pelosi
But then again there's no problem when Leftists do an end run around FM Lieberman to DM Barak. It's OK when THEY do it.
you are missing the point
pelosi didnt spend 4 years screaming about members of congress being anti american or engaging in treason
cantor and his ilk did
cant have it both ways
either the prez is in charge of foreign policy...or he isnt
either attempting to disrupt the president's foreign policy is treason...or it isnt
this is not a left right issue...stop making it seem so
Why do people employ this third-rate slobbish, anti-semite islam-lover(Andrew Sullivan), and why doesn't HE go and live somewhere like Syria?
Oh I forgot, he is gay!
Andrew just has his head up his ass.
Oh, it's somebody else's.
bacci40: "and his ilk"? That would be Teabaggers or jooz?
Dems and their ilk regularly called Bush a traitor and demanded his impeachment--save the righteous indignation plz. In case you didn't hear, Obama and Bibi are cutting deals. Or did that actual fact get lost in the ginned up anti-AIPAC hysteria?
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