The Times thinks it knows best

What Mr. Netanyahu does not seem to realize is that a peace deal with the Palestinians is not a favor to President Obama. It is vital to Israel’s long-term security. If he squanders this moment, the only ones who can celebrate are the extremists.Whether a peace deal with the 'Palestinians' is vital to Israel's long-term security depends in part on its terms. Obviously, Prime Minister Netanyahu does not believe that such a deal is available on terms that would make its acceptance vital to Israel's security. Neither do most Israelis. And, for that matter, neither does US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who said in September that the status quo may be sustainable for the next thirty years.
The Times needs to get off its high horse and stop trying to dictate to foreign countries what ought to be in their vital interests. We're not hillbillies here.
Labels: Binyamin Netanyahu, Hillary Clinton, New York Times, settlement freeze
Israel's dhimmi Jewish leaders are hillbillies. The only question is what price they're can be bought at. Not much: a couple of F-35s and some US promises not worth the paper they're printed on.
This inverts the traditional stereotype of how smart Jews are. In Israel these they days, every one is to competing to show how stupidity can be a virtue. First Ghajar and now the revanants.
And in 90 days the cycle will repeat itself.
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