Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander?

In light of an incident at its Tel Aviv embassy this week, in which a gun wielding 'Palestinian' broke into the embassy and demanded asylum and safe passage to Turkey, Turkey has asked for
increased security for its diplomats.
Ankara has called on Israeli officials to beef up security at its embassy in Tel Aviv, Turkish media reported on Wednesday.
On Tuesday, a Palestinian man made his way into the building and forced a standoff with embassy security.
Turkish diplomats said that the incident showed there is weak security at the building and that the quick response of Embassy security personnel, who shot Nadim Injaz in the leg, prevented a greater tragedy, the Istanbul-based paper Hurriyet reported.
But on the same day, the Turks downgraded security at Israel's embassy in Ankara.
The newspaper reported that on the same day the Turkish Embassy was raided in Tel Aviv, security guidelines for the Israeli Embassy in Ankara were downgraded and a set of barriers in front of the building was removed. The decision was reportedly made following a court ruling in favor of a petition submitted by a Turk in 2006 who contended that the security measures caused serious gridlock for commuters.
Yet another Turkish double standard.
What a surprise: the Turks don't like Falestinians! They want to stop them coming into their embassy and probably their country!
They attack Israel with proxies - (Mavi Marmara with on-board mercenaries, ON BEHALF OF FAKESTINIANS), now they want to expose Israelis in their embassy to danger!
More like quadruple standards!!
Why does Israel have to have a terror-supporting bunch of Turkish thugs in Tel Aviv?
Why not have an Iranian embassy?
The Turks now complain Israel isn't doing enough to protect them. And where were they when they led the UN lynch mob against Israel?
Newsflash to Ankara: if you don't like it, leave. Israelis will happily escort your diplomats to Ben-Gurion and see them fly off into the sunset.
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