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Friday, August 20, 2010

The rot in the Likud

At least one Likud minister has now come out in favor of something called a 'reduced settlement policy,' which would entail permitting Jews to build on something less - much less - than all of Judea and Samaria. The proponent of this policy is not the minister you might expect (Dan Meridor). It's Michael Eitan.

Just what does a 'reduced settlement policy' mean?
Eitan's proposal includes resumption of Jewish construction in areas of large Jewish population in Judea and Samaria, including the community in Hevron, as well as the Old City of Jerusalem and other areas of the capital liberated in 1967. Building would remain frozen in areas intended to be given to a new Palestinian Authority state, although the lack of building should not be taken by itself as intent to transfer the land. Residents of unauthorized outpost communities would be given the option of joining larger Judean and Samarian communities or being relocated within the 1949 cease-fire lines.
If there were going to be peace and the Arabs were going to live in peace with the state of Israel, there might be something to discuss here. But there isn't going to be peace, because the Arabs are not going to accept a state of Israel of any size. Proposals like this damage Israel's position because they lead us to bargain against ourselves and because they reward the 'Palestinians' with Israeli concessions for which they don't pay any price.

What could go wrong?


At 6:57 PM, Blogger NormanF said...

Stupid Jews who believe furthering Arab anti-Semitism will lead to peace.

What could go wrong indeed


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