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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Left to demonstrate against BBC Panorama

The angry British Left is planning on holding a demonstration outside the BBC's offices in London on Sunday to protest this week's Panorama show dealing with the Mavi Marmara. They can't stand the fact that for once Israel was given a fair shake.

Here's the notice:

Are counter-demonstrations permitted in England these days?


At 10:22 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Carl.
i was already surprised that the BBC gave Israel a fair view of what happened.I'm pretty sure if you would look at the list of organisers you'll find a majority of Muslims in there,probably headed by Lord Ahmed.Anyway these days it's in fashion to protest anything normal and decent just look at Pelosi saying that those who opose the Ground Zero Mosque should be investigated.

At 11:15 PM, Blogger Proud Zionist said...

Ken O Keefe is going to be there? The BBC interviewed him in the programme; what is he protesting against?! They quoted him saying the activists were acting in "self defence", that he took an Israeli soldier's gun because he thought he'd be shot otherwise, but he didn't use it.
I don't understand what these people want from the BBC, what did they want the programme to say?!
Even if the BBC did want to call it a "massacre", it would be impossible with all the evidence in Israel's favour.

At 11:17 PM, Blogger Proud Zionist said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 11:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What exactly are they going to demonstrate against? Giving both the IHH - who buried themselves - and the IDF a chance to have their say?

Given that the IHH has now made the outcome of the Mavi Marmara cause for further flotillas exercising what they laughingly call "passive resistance", I'll be VERY interested to see how many of the loony left from Europe and North America will be eager to play their game again.

At 11:33 PM, Blogger Juniper in the Desert said...

Counter demonstrations are permitted as follows:
Unlike the demo, the counters are not allowed to arrive at their destination by march.
They must be corralled into groups, surrounded by metal cages, like cattle.
Anyone that arrives late will not be allowed to demo site, will be chased by police armed with batons and have police dogs set on them.

I have witnessed this with my own eyes.

Not only this, the lefties and their islamonazi racist pals can scream any filth and lies and blood libels they like without fear of being told to stop.

Next stop, the al-quds march on 4 September at Marble Arch, central London. Even tho' the English Defence League are not permitted to march against this, these islamic nazis can parade in London, calling for the death of Jews, the smashing of Israel by Hizbollah/Hamas and proclaiming their support for all terrorist organisation.




At 11:36 PM, Blogger Juniper in the Desert said...

Video of al quds march last year in London:

The same leftards demonstrating against BBC, will be doing it for the Iranian regime, sharia law and the rest of the islamic garbage!



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