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Monday, August 09, 2010

Burg: Jews shouldn't get automatic citizenship under the right of return

His father must be rolling over in his grave.

The despicable Avram Burg tells Shalom Yerushalmi in Friday's Maariv that an American Jew who contributes to the New Israel Fund (for which he is now one of the managers) has no more right to Israeli citizenship than an Eskimo. And no, not because they're contributing to an extreme leftist organization.
“The Law of Return had significance when the State was a life ring. 60-70 years have passed. The absolute majority of Jews live in the democratic part of the world. There is still Zionism of catastrophes, telling people to “quickly move to Israel because there will soon be a holocaust”, but I am not there.

The Jewish world today does not need to be rescued. If there is, in any case, a Jew being chased because he is a Jew, then he can qualify to immigrate.

Every person can come to here not in accordance with the genetics of his mother. If he comes to speak the language, serve the state, then why not?

Common destiny is more important than chromosomes.

Everyone who wants to become a citizen here will enter the waiting hall like in any place in the world.”
Burg was at one time the chairman of the Jewish Agency, an organization whose raison d'etre is bringing Jews to Israel. As a result, the Israeli taxpayer still provides him with a car and driver.

What a despicable, self-hating Jew.


At 4:15 AM, Blogger NormanF said...

Carl - its been known for a long time that Haaretz's Gideon Levy has been a Far Leftist anti-Zionist extremist, but who has now come out in favor of Avrum Burg's idea of scrapping the Law Of Return and he goes further to declare the very concept of a "Jewish State" as "racist."

More here:

Read it all

There are a small minority of Israelis who want to scrape Israel's Jewish character and turn the country into a Hebrew-speaking equivalent of America. Zionism is about Jewish self-determination and in our era, it remains as relevant as ever. Too bad the Burgs and Levys and fellow Jewish anti-Semites like them can't see all the good that has resulted from the State Of Israel since its establishment more than six decades ago.

At 5:03 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

oh yeah... No Israel Fund. I forgot about them.

At 12:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Slightly related:

The Truth Behind the Foreign Workers Debate, By Moshe Feiglin

At 5:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The Jewish world today does not need to be rescued."

Um, Avrum... this is changing right before our eyes. Europe is turning Islamic. America is still safe, but only until the coming wave of anarchy or tyranny. (I claim no prophetic vision; it's just looking very likely, the way things are going.)

"There is still Zionism of catastrophes, telling people to 'quickly move to Israel because there will soon be a holocaust', but I am not there."

Neither am I, but I embrace a different paradigm: the Zionism of Jewish indigenous resettlement.

The Biblically-rooted Zionism that tells us Joseph was granted burial in Eretz Yisrael because he said, "A Hebrew slave am I," while Moses neither entered nor was buried in Eretz Yisrael because he did not correct Jethro's daughters when they referred to him as a Midianite. Had not Moses been born in Egypt? Therefore, say our rabbis, we learn that any Jew, regardless of birthplace, is a native of Eretz Yisrael. That should be the basis for automatic citizenship under the Law of Return.


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