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Sunday, August 08, 2010

IDF stops Iranian rocket smuggling into Judea and Samaria

Israel has managed to thwart Iranian efforts to smuggle rockets into Judea and Samaria despite the fact that the Jordanian border is 20 times as long as the Egyptian border. The reason for the difference is that Israel has freedom of movement in Judea and Samaria.
Iran is interested, according to IDF evaluations, in stirring up the same type of violence against Israel from Judea/Samaria as exists in Gaza. Elements connected with Lebanon-based Hizbullah are also involved, the IDF feels.

Jordan's border with Israel, including the Jordan Valley adjacent to Judea and Samaria as well as the Aravah, runs 300 kilometers – as opposed to a 14-kilometer-long border between Gaza and Egypt. "Despite this," a senior IDF source told correspondent Haggai Huberman, "the IDF is able to stop such attempts on the Jordan border, but not on the Egyptian border, except for rare cases."

The IDF success is attributed to its freedom of movement in Judea and Samaria, which it would lose if the area is handed over to Palestinian Authority control.
The Obama administration would like Israel to turn over control of Judea and Samaria to Keith Dayton's 'Palestinian police.' What could go wrong?


At 11:28 PM, Blogger NormanF said...

That must not be allowed to happen. If the dhimmi Jews in Israel's leadership give in to Obama's demand to allow the PA's army full security responsibility, they can't say they weren't warned if shooting and rocketing of Jerusalem and Israel's coastal plain begins from Yesha's mountain range.

What could go wrong indeed


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