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Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Brody file with Mike Pence

Here's video of a show called the Brody file which features Representative Mike Pence (R-In) as its first item.

I will be watching this with you because if I go to sleep now without watching it, I will get about two hours of sleep tonight :-)
Time for another edition of The Brody File. Watch below and see the list of a la carte menu items

Congressman Mike Pence interview: Top of show

Susan B Anthony List Targets Pro-Life Democrats: 7:50 in

Newt Gingrich esquire article: 8:43 in

Evangelicals react to Gingrich esquire article in secret underground bunker:10:03 in

Interview with Imam behind Ground Zero Mosque: 13:35 in

Brody File commentary on 2012 GOP candidates: 22:10 in

Oy-Vey Moment of the Week(Congressman goes wild!) 23:00 in

Brody walks off set in disgust! 25:57 in
Let's go to the videotape.


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