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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Could Natanz just go 'poof'?

The ever obnoxious Roger Cohen, whose columns usually do nothing but raise my blood pressure, dropped this little tidbit into his latest screed on Thursday (Hat Tip: Gershon D).
The Bush administration opposed the 2007 Israeli strike. It was worried the Syrians would respond and ignite a wider Middle East war. It believed tough U.S. diplomacy, backed by the threat of force, would ensure the Syrian reactor never became operational. President Bush’s line was: Let me handle it.

Ehud Olmert, then the Israeli prime minister, was disappointed at American inaction. His line was: It’s now in our hands. No U.S. green light was asked for, and none given, as Israel bombed.
That's interesting. Everything I've read until now has the Israelis providing the US with evidence of what was going on in al-Kibar (the Syrian reactor) including a video that showed North Korean nuclear advisers. And the US supposedly approved.

But what if they didn't? Israel did the deed anyway and the US went along after the fact. Could it happen again?
The fallout was contained through sleight of hand. Israel feigned ignorance. A tight collar was placed for several months around U.S. intelligence. President Bashar al-Assad was not made to feel cornered. It was as if the reactor had gone poof in the night.

Could Iran’s Natanz plant go poof in the night? Some people are thinking about it, an attack from “nowhere.” I think those are dangerous thoughts. Iran is not Syria.

The Obama-Netanyahu statement said: “The president told the prime minister he recognizes that Israel must always have the ability to defend itself, by itself, against any threat or possible combination of threats, and that only Israel can determine its security needs.”

Is that plain language or a hall of mirrors?

Hmmm indeed. No, Iran is not Syria. Yes, Iran is much more likely to respond. But Israel is much more desperate to stop Iran. With God's help, we will defend ourselves by ourselves. Because no one else will.


At 10:54 AM, Blogger NormanF said...

Even Obama has acknowledged as much. The rest is up to Israel.


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