Yaalon: Iran can still be stopped by non-military means

I was kind of surprised to hear that Deputy Prime Minister Moshe (Boogie) Yaalon still believes that Iran can be stopped by
non-military means (Hat Tip:
Gershon D).
--Yaalon stated that "by one way or the other, the military nuclear project in Iran should be stopped--the sooner, the better."
Yaalon said (surprisingly, I thought) that he believes when forced to choose between the bomb and survival, Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadenijad would choose survival. When asked to elaborate by Rosenberg, Yaalon said the Supreme Leader, Ali Khameini, ultimately makes the decisions in Iran, not A-jad. He stated that in 2003, in the wake of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, Khameini decided to suspend Iran's nuclear program. He said that Iran restarted its nuclear program in 2005, when the regime realized, in Yaalon's words, that "the United States lost its political stomach."
--Yaalon said bluntly that he believes Iran's regime is "not sure that there is a will" on the part of the United States right now to exercise the military option against Iran's nuclear facilities.
--When asked if he felt the Obama administration was open to military action against Iran, Yaalon said that, according to the traditions of Israel's forefathers, righteous people hope that the job might be done by others. On the other hand, he said, there is another old saying that goes like this: "If I'm not for myself, then who is for me?" He added, "So we should be ready."
--Yaalon believes there is still time to stop Iran's nuclear program through non-military means, but that it depends on the West.
--Yaalon believes that the Russian government and the Iranian regime have in the past had a "kind of modus vivendi," with Russia supporting Iran under the condition that Iran would not be involved in terrorist activity in the former Soviet states. He said, though, that he is encouraged by Russia's willingness to get on board with sanctions against Iran.
Is this real or is Yaalon bluffing? Hmmmm.
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