Palin rips Obama for his treatment of Netanyahu

Sarah Palin on Sunday painted US President Barack Obama's administration as a cowering giant intent on surrendering the nation's mantle as a superpower and willing to sell out its allies.Go get 'em Sarahcudda.
The former John McCain running mate addressed a paying audience of several hundred people in Norfolk and accused Obama of selling out Israel in over its naval blockade of Gaza and treating Prime Minister Binaymin Netanyahu shabbily.
"Do they think, really, that we're getting anything in return for all this bowing and kowtowing and apologizing? No, we don't get anything positive in return for this," Palin said at the event spearheaded by a Norfolk talk radio station.
"So while President Obama is getting pushed around by the likes of Russia and China, our allies are left to wonder about the value of an alliance with our country any more. They're asking what is it worth," she said.
Palin, former Virginia Sen. George Allen and Iran-Contra figure Oliver North, who ran for a Virginia Senate seat and lost, each took turns decrying what they said was the deterioration of US military might and will under Obama's watch.
Palin said that Obama and an allied Democratic Congress had cut military spending while showing no such restraint on other expenditures, running up trillions in new deficits.
I love that woman. Please pray for her.
I have no doubt Sarah Palin feels compassion for Israel. I am happy she ripped Obama on his treatment of Netanyahu and the continued rift with Israel. I am appreciative of anyone who has the courage to bring this to light.
I challenge those who are screaming now if this is more politically motivated because during the Bush years the same people were silent.
'Luring' Jews to vote Republican by promising that in their first week of office they would sign the embassy act and in 8 years failed to do so is nothing short of grievous. Sadly I doubt if anyone learned anything because of the blindness of political ideology.
When our best friend failed to send even the lowest level representative to the Anniversary of the Reunification of Jerusalem our friends in the upper echelon of the Republican party were silent. Mind you not even sending the janitor who cleans the toilets of the WH told the world Jerusalem IS NOT the undivided capital of Israel. What hurts the most is Bush got a free pass for it by all those who are mortified by Obama's obvious hostility toward Israel.
And while I agree completely with Palin on the issue of Obama being led by the nose from China and Russia, think again who fell into the same trap. Does anyone wonder why Palin declined to mention Saudi Arabia an even greater key player in who calls the shots? We had a president who fought a war on terror while allowing Jordan, Egypt and the Saudi's (all "good friends of the U.S and allies in the war on terror") to actually aid in the insurgency. To my horror, this is an almost seldom discussed subject by conservatives.
We should be grateful for the voices especially if it calls Obama on the carpet but please do not confuse this with the final outcome of anything or anyone when it comes to Israel.
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