Good news: Hezbullah can hit Jerusalem

Hizbullah's missiles now have the capacity to reach Israel’s central region, including Jerusalem, IDF Chief of Staff Lt.Gen Gabi Ashkenazi said Tuesday in a briefing with the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee. He also announced that a new operation designed to intercept Katyusha rockets is due to begin next year .A new operation? Maybe they mean a new anti-missile system? And what if Hezbullah decides not to wait until next year to try their rockets out?
A small percentage of Hizbullah’s current arsenal of tens of thousands of missiles can reach almost 190 miles, Ashkenazi said, well over the distance from southern Lebanon to Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.
/Sometimes our government seems nearly as clueless as Obama.
No surprise, really. Let's just hope they'll hit their brothers and not ours.
I think the Israeli government is dealing with yesterday's threats rather than with ones on the horizon. The announcement could only be particularly Israeli in view of the Chief Of Staff's disclosure. And we have Olmert and Livni to thank for waging a war so ineptly that it left Hezbollah just as well armed as ever bristling with tens of thousands of deadly weapons just over Israel's border.
What could go wrong indeed
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