Rasmussen: Israel + 62, Egypt +30, all others negative

A major sticking point in Middle East peace negotiations has always been America’s close ties to Israel, but undoubtedly that is explained in part by the sharp contrast between the views Americans have of the Islamic countries in the region and how they feel about the Jewish state.Americans also don't think Obama's 'outreach' to the Muslim world is helping much.
Seventy percent (70%) of Americans say Israel is a U.S. ally, nearly twice the finding for Egypt, the most highly regarded Islamic country. Only eight percent (8%) of Americans say Israel is an enemy, and 16% put it somewhere in between.Eighty-one percent (81%) of U.S. voters believe Palestinian leaders must recognize Israel’s right to exist as part of any Middle Eastern peace agreement.
Twenty-one percent (21%) of voters say the U.S. relationship with the Muslim world will be better a year from now, down five points from late June. Basically unchanged from the previous survey is the belief by 25% that the relationship will get worse and by 44% that it will be roughly the same a year from now.The American people are a lot smarter than their 'smart power' President.
people see iraq as an enemy?
boy, that war and occupation were a total waste of money and time
and i thought that only sadaam, not the iraqi people were our enemies
Iran is exactly the mirror image of Israel. So much for outreach to the mullahs.
Hopenchange, any one?
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