Breaking: Terror attack in Bat Ayin in Gush Etzion

The terror attack happened around 12:10 or 12:15 pm. The boy has a head wound. There were one or two terrorists and they have apparently escaped.
The boy with a serious head wound has been evacuated to Hadassah Ein Karem hospital in Jerusalem. The shooting victim's condition is unknown.
Israel Radio notes that road blocks have been removed in the area recently. Thank you Hopey Changey.
Deputy local council head Meir Wolf interviewed on Israel Radio. He won't even say how many people were wounded - just that 'some' have been evacuated.
Israel Radio military correspondent says child evacuated in critical condition by helicopter.
Local council head Shaul Goldstein says that the injured are a 9-year old and a 16-year old. Both are in serious condition. The terrorist fled south towards Hebron. The 16-year old has not yet been evacuated.
I have a report from a Hebrew page in real time that the younger boy has died. Israel Radio has not said this and will not without approval from the IDF. I cannot vouch for the accuracy of this report.
The same page now has two more reports that someone has died. Israel Radio just quoted Magen David Adom (the local equivalent of the Red Cross, which runs all the ambulances) as reporting that a 7-year old has been evacuated to hospital and that a 14-year old is still being treated at the attack location and is in critical condition. This accords with what I'm seeing on that real time Hebrew page.
Israel Radio now confirming that a 13-year old child was murdered by an axe-wielding terrorist at Bat Ayin and that the 7-year old child has been evacuated to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem in serious condition with axe wounds. Hashem yerachem (may God have mercy).
They're now saying that the younger child is lightly to moderately wounded and is conscious. The terrorist has apparently escaped.
Bat Ayin has NO Arab workers, which means that the terrorist somehow breached the security fence. Israel Radio has an unconfirmed report that the terrorist was shot and wounded before he escaped.
Channel 2 television is now confirming that roadblocks in the area were removed and that the terrorist could have fled to one of the neighboring Arab villages on foot without passing a road block.
Bat Ayin does not have a security fence.
The older boy actually ran home and asked a brother to call for help, but then collapsed and died. The younger boy, as noted above, is in the hospital.
The terrorist has escaped.
'Brave freedom fighter,' eh?
Channel 2 interviewing someone named Avinoam who fought with the terrorist and took the axe away. He grabbed the terrorist's hand in which he was holding the axe, pulled it away, but then the terrorist ran away. Both children were hurt before this man fought with the terrorist. The terrorist was about to go after a third kid when the adult grabbed the terrorist.
Here are more details.
Magen David Adom officials who rushed to the scene said that despite desperate attempts by paramedics to save his life, the soul of 13-year-old Shlomo Nativ slipped away shortly after the terrorist attacked him.Read it all. There's supposed to be a video there too, but it didn't work for me and I couldn't embed it.
A seven-year-old boy was also attacked with an axe. He suffered serious head wounds and was evacuated by helicopter to Jerusalem's Hadassah Ein Kerem Medical Center. A spokesperson for the hospital said the boy, who arrived fully conscious despite his grievous wounds, would soon be undergoing surgery to repair his broken skull. He is listed in serious, but stable condition.
The wounded child is the son of Ofer Gamliel, who is serving his seventh year of a 15-year jail term for plotting a bomb attack against Arabs.
The bomb that Gamliel used years ago was not a bomb that was capable of exploding. He claimed in court that he and his friends had only planned a bomb scare and had purposely used a neutralized bomb. The court did not accept his claim and found him guilty of an attempted attack.
The terrorist, who had no connection with the community, managed to escape, despite the efforts of residents to stop him.
"I ran towards the terrorist and tried to grab the axe from him," said Bat Ayin resident Avinoam Maimon. "I yelled to a woman who saw us to call the police. I could see murder in his eyes."
Maimon told reporters that the terrorist "kept trying to hit me while we struggled. At one point I fell down, and he ran away. But then I saw someone running after him and I heard gunshots."
MDA and security officials urged residents to remain in their homes, and blocked those outside from coming in to the community while IDF forces searched for the terrorist. The road was reopened to traffic about two hours after the attack.
Maybe the terrorist misheard Obama when he talked about "Axing Israel to make concessions"?
Killing Jewish children for peace... and this is the kind of guy Ban Ki Moon, Tony Blair and Barack Obama want Israel to set up a state for... a real upstanding citizen of humanity!
Asher, such an individual is evil. If he is found, he should be killed on sight. A life in Israel's Club Med prisons is no fitting punishment for someone who murders a child!
Gosh I had a thought!
What if they had captured the terrorists and USED his own axe on HIM?
Now that would have been a story....
Lesson to learn: When being attacked KILL, MAIME and DESTROY the terrorist....
You cant fault the hatred and lust for blood that the palestinian has... it has been inbred within their clans for centuries. This is what happens when humans interbreed over generations with 2nd cousins...
It's like a mad dog, you cant take it personally, you have to just kill it...
Be armed, Be aware and realize that there is no chance the sons of Amalek will ever change...
The BEST we can do?
Kill them as they attack...
This is a sad commentary on our enemies. They feel it is justified to murder children.
This is why there can be no peace, until they are utterly and completely defeated, driven from the land, and moved to where they can do no harm.
This is Bibi's first test. Will he respond appropriately, or take it on the chin?
All attacks must be responded to. Not tit-for-tat. But way over-the-top responses with massive overwhelming force. The message must be sent to these animals that the response will be so vicious, so merciless, that it is not worth it to perpetrate the terror in the first place. They don't have that message yet.
It is past time to deliver it.
It aint Bibi's test...
All Jews should be armed...
The removal of the roadblocks in the area cost a Jewish child his life. Its a sad commentary on a country whose government is more concerned with pleasing the US than with safeguarding Jews. Shlomo Nativ was betrayed by his own government and paid the price.
Let be honest...
Every Jewish community is targeted...
It's time to step us and organize ourselves...
The same goes for every Jew anywhere in the world...
Carl, Kranky, Occupation - the real significance of the terrorist attack is that it was perpetrated against Jews, not in disputed "West Bank" land but in the Gush Etzion, which is considered to be part of Israel proper. Even those in Israel against building "settlements" over the Green Line view the Gush Etzion as much part of the Israeli national consensus as Jerusalem and the Golan Heights. Jonathan Tobin points out this history, which will be elided over or ignored in the international media.
The Face Of Palestinian "Resistance"
If you want to know why Shlomo Nativ was murdered and Yair Gamliel was left disfigured, for Tobin the reason is obvious:
"But what the “resistance” to the Jewish presence in the territories amounts to is not a protest against specific measures or even a dispute about land. As the attack on Bat Ayin confirms yet again, the hatred and violence directed against the settlers is a measure of the Palestinian antipathy for Jews, pure and simple."
I couldn't really put the true essence of the dispute between the Jews and the Arabs any better myself. There's lots more.
Read it all.
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