Israel's Alabama moment

I was a child in 1963, but the image of George Wallace standing in the door blocking the entrance to the university is one I remember well. I assume that there were 'threats of violence,' death threats against Wallace, death threats against Malone and Hood, and threats to the public order. But the Alabama National Guard stood its ground and enforced the law.
Imagine how the course of American history would have changed if President Kennedy had not stayed the course and ordered the National Guard in. Imagine how the course of American history would have changed if the National Guard had not obeyed Kennedy. Would America have been characterized by 'segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever'? Maybe not. But there definitely would have been a delay in integration's implementation. And there would have been less respect for the law.
Israel had its Alabama moment this morning with Baruch Marzel (pictured) playing the role of James Hood. Israel failed miserably.
You may recall that I reported last week that Marzel, a Knesset candidate from the National Union party who has been trying to demonstrate peacefully in the 'Israeli Arab' town of Um-el-Fahm for months, had been appointed as his party's chief poll watcher in Um-el-Fahm. Over the weekend,
This morning, Israel's police fulfilled Mazuz's command. Rather than doing their job and protecting Marzel, they barred Marzel from entering Um-el-Fahm due to 'threats to his life.' They turned Marzel back at the highway exit from which he was expected to reach Um-el-Fahm. And our fifth column - the 'Israeli-Arabs' who were out 'demonstrating' against Marzel from the crack of dawn - rejoiced at their 'success.'
Marzel, whose faction is part of the Ichud Leumi (National Union) party, said that the decision made this day "a black day for democracy." Israeli police, he added, "are surrendering to a bunch of thugs. Today provided proof that the police do not control the Northern District. This is a shame and a disgrace." Marzel added that he would decide on legal steps as soon as he was officially informed of the police announcement.Marzel's party has already announced that they will petition the Elections Commission to throw out the results from the polling station Marzel was supposed to monitor. But that's not the point. The point is that Israel has proved once again that we are not a country that is run by the rule of law, but a country that is run by the rule of thugs and strongmen. That's something all Israelis should think about as we go to the polls today.
The police said they had intelligence of concrete plans to harm Marzel if he entered the city. Dozens of Arabs gathered at the entrance to the city from the early morning hours in order to block Marzel. They were joined by MK Muhammad Barakeh of the Communist Hadash party. A sizeable police contingent headed by the Commander of the Police's Northern District, Brig-Gen Shimon Koren was also on hand.
The Arabs, who were led by members of Umm El-Fahm's municipality, inspected "suspicious" cars at the entrance to the city and a confrontation occurred when a car carrying religious Jewish ballot booth inspectors tried to enter. Police did not enable the Jews to enter and carry out their duty but rather whisked them away to the nearby police station.

Marzel was replaced by Arye Eldad in Um-el-Fahm on Tuesday morning. Now he's been run out of town too.
MK Aryeh Eldad (NU), who had replaced far-Right activist [that's opinion, not fact. CiJ] Baruch Marzel as an election monitor in Umm el-Fahm, was removed from the polling station by police and escorted from the town amid concerns for his safety after Arabs started rioting outside the voting center.That's NOT zero tolerance and it's NOT enforcing the law. It's running scared. Zero tolerance would be forcing these people back from the polling station, arresting people as necessary and allowing Eldad to do his job.
When Eldad was escorted from the premises in a police car, stones were hurled toward the vehicle and police clashed with rioters. Five people were arrested on suspicion of throwing stones at police.
One of the suspects under arrest is a resident of Jaffa who police said arrived to incite violence in the area.
Northern District Chief Cmdr. Shimon Koren vowed to act with zero tolerance towards those who disturb the peace, adding that he had ordered his forces to move in and make arrests when necessary.
Nevertheless, Northern Police District spokesman Yehuda Maman had said no violent incidents took place around the polling station due to the heavy police presence in the area, and police said Eldad asked them to escort him out of the Arab town.Sure "all is quiet." Because the Jews gave in and therefore the fight is over.
"He asked us to help him leave. All is quiet here," Maman told the Jerusalem Post, speaking by cell phone from Umm el-Fahm.
(Cable) Channel 10 reports in Hebrew that Eldad said that today's events 'proved' that the State can supervise elections in the Arab sector. No, they don't. Today's events proved that the State is unwilling to enforce the law in the Arab sector. Today's events prove that the State is still spooked by the events of October 2000 in which nine Arabs were killed in riots in Um-el-Fahm and other towns.
Here's video (mostly raw) of this morning's events. Let's go to the videotape.
Hardly an Alabama moment, more like a missed Skokie
moment. Is Marzel really a shining symbol of civil liberties or is he a reprehensible symbol of dangerous extremism?? He clearly chose Um-el-Fahm in order to intimidate and create conflict with the locals. I doubt Likud had any problem sending a rep there. And I also doubt a polling booth at Bat Ayin or Kfar Tapuach would be happy to allow Azmi Bishara to monitor the voting of Jewish men and women there!
I must say, I find posts like this very disappointing, given that I generally find this blog informative, level-headed and generally very agreeable.
Carl - the police, the prosecution, the courts and the security services echelons are dominated by leftists. They view Israel as their private preserve and they will do anything to thwart any change in the country.
What you've seen with Baruch Marzel is but one indication of the ruthlessness to which they are willing to go to keep their stranglehold on power.
The Right could win the elections and it wouldn't matter as Israel's leftist bureaucracy would slowly undermine it and drive it from office. Indeed, the more things change...
I thought of Skokie as well, but that's more applicable to the march that Marzel's party has planned in Um-el-Fahm with Supreme Court approval.
As to monitors, one of the Arab parties sent a monitor to Beit El. Typically, the polling monitors are from parties who are unlikely to gain much support at a particular poll. In my 'ultra-Orthodox' neighborhood of Jerusalem, it looked like they all came from Meretz.
It doesn't matter why they chose Marzel to go to Um-el-Fahm. He was a Knesset candidate of a legitimate party (which won four seats) and he had a legal right to be there. For the police to vow to the local thugs and not let him in is cowardly and disgraceful.
Sorry, that should have been "bow to the local thugs."
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