Carter: 'Israel has 150 nukes. Israel's security is my prime concern'

His remark, made at the Hay-on-Wye festival which promotes current affairs books and literature, is startling because Israel has never admitted having nuclear weapons, let alone how many, although the world assumes their existence. Nor do US officials deviate in public from that Israeli line. Carter, who has immersed himself since his presidency in Israeli-Palestinian relations, was highly critical of Israeli settlers on the West Bank, and of Israel's refusal to talk to elected officials of the Islamic party Hamas, although he said that Israel's security was his prime concern.What a strange way of showing his 'concern.'
Jimmy Carter wants Israel to unilaterally disarm itself. But he makes no such demand of Iran. Yeah, he's a friend of Israel and concerned for its security, alright.
Jimmuh will be happy when Israel has no nukes, no defense, no deterrent capabilities. That is his prime concern. Then his benefactors in the arab world believe they can walk in and kill jews with abandon.
Jimmah is a fool, a traitor, and a sellout. He is despicable. He acts and speaks in a manner which dishonors his homeland, his former office, and the brave service of all those who died protecting freedom.
Freedom isn't free. The price is often very high. Israel, despite a dangerously incompetent and inept political echelon, is free, So is the US. Though Jimmah worked his magic in the late 70's and set us all back many decades.
He has the right to speak, which others gave their lives for. So that he can denigrate their service with moronic activities and statements.
He is, by far, the worst president we have ever seen, and certainly, the worst ex-president we have ever seen.
Barak Hussein Obama would be Jimmah 2.0.
It is time to just say no. If you are a US jew, and voting, please don't vote Jimmah 2.0 into office. If you must vote dhimmicratic, please vote for the lesser of the evils. If you are open to considering alternatives, by all means, the dhimmicrats are decidedly not our friends. They do not have our interests in their minds, in their writings, policies, advisors.
Jimmah 2.0 has Zbignew B on his staff. This person, due to his completely inept stewardship, was a facilitator of the creation of the current Iranian terrorist regime. He has open and avowed anti-semites and anti-zionists on his staff.
C'mon fellow children of Israel ... wake up. The dhimmicrats think talking to Hitler would have been ok. Jimmah 1.0 was devastating to our country. Jimmah 2.0 would finish us off. Shrillary would be much better for us then Jimmah 2.0, aka Barak Hussein Obama. McCain would be better than Shrillary.
Please, we do not need another Jimmah term. One was almost enough.
why do we continue to give israel billions of dollars in aid even though they have spies against the united states? The Pollards worked for the Israel government,by giving information and we do nothing. It seem that if a person point out a problem with Israel,thay are called anti-semite
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