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Saturday, November 23, 2013

CNN Technicians: 'People are fed up with Livni and Oslo'

Shavua tov, a good week to everyone.

Have the Americans had enough of Tzipi Livni? Look at this report on Naftali Bennett's whirlwind trip to the US this week:
Bennett boasted that CNN technicians told him that what he said in the interview amazed them, and that they “never hear that sort of stuff.” He said people came up to him after speeches to hug him and tell him how refreshing his statements were.
“People are fed up with the messages of [Justice Minister] Tzipi Livni and the Oslo process,” he said.
When asked whether he thought he succeeded in persuading people on the trip that Israel needed to keep all of the land of Israel, he said: “It’s a long journey – a first step, but not an insignificant one.”
Hmmm...  CNN has Republicans working for them?

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