Andrew Sullivan, anti-Semite

Most of the blogosphere is discounting the denial. The Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg said "I'll check it with Dayan and get back to you." He never did. Other bloggers (including yours truly) felt that it sure sounded like something Rahm would say. But the reaction that has been reverberating around the blogosphere is that of Goldberg's co-blogger, Andrew Sullivan of the Daily Dish (Hat Tip: Memeorandum).
Sullivan's bottom line is one that he has stated before. Sullivan believes that the United States or NATO should send troops to force the partition of Israel into a Jewish state and a 'Palestinian' state. Well, he said that last week too. Noah Pollak points out the hypocrisy in Sullivan's position:
Presumably the direct American military imposition of a two-state solution would involve the Marines going house to house in Gaza City. Talk about American soldiers dying for Israel! For someone who has spent the past few years denouncing the hubris of American military intervention in the Middle East, this is heady stuff.Joshuapundit is tired of Sullivan getting a pass for his anti-Semitism.
While Israel is certainly not beyond criticism, when you make rules and agitate for applying policies that apply to Israel and no other nation, it is simply racism and Jew hatred...whether you're aware of it or not, and no matter how pleasantly you say good morning to the local Jewish mailman or storekeeper every morning. And I'm sick of seeing it coming out of Sullivan and his getting a pass on it.I have a different question. Given that Sullivan also has some choice words for the 'Palestinians,'
And oh yes.... he wants to send US troops to invade our ally Israel, create half a million Jewish refugees by throwing them out of their homes and forcibly create yet another judenrein area in the Middle East 'for peace'.
Picture it...American troops rousting Jews out of their homes at gunpoint.
Gee, 'bout we set up some camps in Judea and know, just to concentrate those Jews so they can be dealt with properly?
Only problem is, this a time the Jews are armed, and they won't go quietly.Trust me on that. Nor is President Obama likely to try, considering how pro-Israel the average American he claims to speak for is...not to mention Congress.
And, yes, I'm also sick of the war crimes and theocratic insanity of Hamas, and the lame passive-aggression of the PA, and the inability of the Palestinian leadership to prepare for actual governance as opposed to the victimized preening and theatrics and violence they prefer to the difficult compromises required if we are to move forward.what does he think will happen once the Marines are finished expelling all those Jews from Judea and Samaria and 'east' Jerusalem and going house-to-house in Gaza City and Jenin and Nablus and host of other cities to try to disarm all the terror organizations? Does Sullivan believe that the 'Palestinians' - raised on the glorification of suicide bombers and hatred for Jews - are suddenly going to morph into North Dakotans? How long does Sullivan think this will take? Is he ready to commit US troops for five years or ten years or twenty years to carry out his (and Samantha Power's) decree? What is he going to tell Mrs. Jones from Idaho when her son is murdered by a suicide bomber driving a truck as happened in Lebanon in 1983? And by the way, will Sullivan support the Marines staying here after that truck bombing, or will he demand that they turn tail and run as happened in Lebanon 27 years ago?
The 'Palestinians' don't have a state because they don't want one and because there is no such thing as a 'Palestinian.' Hamas and Fatah are mere proxies for the region's Arab dictators who still have not given up on extirpating the Jewish state's existence - and preferably exterminating Israel's Jews at the same time. If anything else were true, the 'Palestinians' would have taken the State that was offered to them in 1979, 1993, 2000 or 2008 (not to mention the State that was offered to the Arabs in 1936, 1939 and 1947 - before there were 'Palestinians').
Sullivan's plan is completely unrealistic, and he's a smart enough guy to figure that out for himself. That he finds occasion to repeat it once a week shows that he has a cathartic need to get his anti-Semitism out in the open.
JPost quotes Israel's ambassador to the US Michael Oren as saying that Los Angeles consul general Jacob Dayan denies the story.
In addition, Oren said that Dayan has "categorically disassociated himself from this pernicious article, and has expressed his deepest regrets for any distortions it might have caused of Rahm Emanuel's views."Did Dayan really say that? Did he mean it?
I tend to believe its an accurate characterization of the Administration's attitude about Israel - the real point being not whatever Rahm said, but the Administration's policy. As for what Sullivan wants, its a fantasy. Anerica would no more succeed in imposing its will on the Jews than Rome did and crushing the Jews in two wars cost Rome so heavily, it never really recovered. There's a lesson here to which Sullivan refuses to attend. All the Jews' enemies have come and gone.
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