Crying for and with Moshe Holtzberg

I am shaking and teary after reading
this article from London's Daily Mail (Hat Tip:
Gateway Pundit).
The Jewish mother murdered in the brutal Mumbai terror attacks last week was six month pregnant, her father revealed today at her funeral.
And Rivkah Holtzberg's two-year-old son, Moshe, may have been beaten by the militants, reports have claimed.
His back was covered in bruises consistent with abuse, the chairman of Zaka, Israel's ultraorthodox recovery service, told Sky News.
There are already fears that Moshe witnessed his parents' murder after he was found by his nanny crying next to their bodies, covered in blood.
She dashed him to safety before commandos launched an attack on the Jewish house in which the terrorists were holding the family hostage last week.
In an emotional scene before the flight to Israel yesterday, Moshe repeatedly cried for his mother at a tearful memorial ceremony at a Mumbai synagogue. The scene was broadcast repeatedly on Israeli TV stations.
'You don't have a mother who will hug you and kiss you,' Rabbi Kotlarsky cried out during a eulogy that switched back and forth between Hebrew and English. But the community will take care of the boy, he vowed: 'You are the child of all of Israel.'
Moshe has not slept in four days, the rabbi who found his father's body told The Times. Now, the nanny - Sandra Samuel - is the only person that Moshe responds to. his family told Sky News.
Yesterday she and Moshe flew to Israel on the same plane that was carrying his parents' bodies. His family have asked her to stay and live in Israel as they struggle to come to terms with the trauma of the attack.
Hashem yerachem. May God have mercy.
Too many tears and so young...
Psalm 56.8 You number my wanderings; Put my tears into Your bottle; Are they not in Your book?
I have cried for that little boy twice and my prayers go up for him. I wish there was something I could do to help.
Moshe is our son. He has been adopted by the entire House Of Israel. He will never be be without a family. G-d will see to it that the debt is repaid, because that is how He does business. Even for the smallest child.
I found this blog randomly after searching the internet for more information on little Moshe Holtzberg. I feel so sorry and my heart goes out to Moshe. I am deeply saddened by the torture he, his parents and the others endured. I am saddened by the deaths in his house, including the death of his unborn sibling. I am saddened by Moshe’s violent separation from his mother and father. I am saddened by his helpless crying at his parents dead bodies. May Moshe Holtzberg find love, peace and happiness in this world after his heartbreaking misfortune. He is in my thoughts now and forever.
Go to the video. If anyone could be recalled from heaven, this child's cries would have done it.
I find myself saying "Aleinu" a lot these days, and tehillim also. My baby son is now getting old enough to respond when he sees ima crying-- why do our children have to learn so soon about the evil in the world...
May Moshe, his brother, and the families be comforted with all who mourn in Zion.
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