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Sunday, February 09, 2014

Why the government of Israel doesn't want you to know Arabic

I must admit that I'm not rushing to sign my kids up for Arabic lessons, but it didn't really occur to me that this is why the government of Israel is cutting back on teaching Arabic to Jewish public school kids.

In practice, though, [Education Minister Shai Piron] doesn't want us to learn Arabic. He wants Arabic studies to last no longer than three years so that he could slash the budgets allocated to teaching the language.
Could this reform be part of the new policy introduced recently by the Education Ministry, which seems to be encouraging kids towards ignorance while teaching them a whole lot of nothing? At the same time, it is worth wondering whether there is anything special about learning Arabic.
It appears that there is. Whoever knows Arabic is likely to listen to Arab news media, surf Palestinian websites, and read Arabic newspapers. Then they are likely to discover the truth: the other side is awash with such a virulent stream of anti-Semitic racism that all talk of peace here is delusional.
The party to which the education minister belongs is entrenched firmly in what is inexplicably referred to as "the peace camp." Knowing the Arabic language is anathema to this camp. The more Arab-language speakers there are, the less supporters.

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At 10:03 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I'm not following so much news about the "new policy" of the education ministry or its head, but from what I understand, when it comes to the Arab-Israeli conflict and particularly the settlements, Rabbi Piron is decidedly right of center and opposed the Gaza expulsion. He's also a man of principle and would not change something this important just because his boss ordered him to. (The incident before the elections where he seemed to lose his backbone was a very different situation than the one Ginat is guessing.)

I mean, the guy just isn't Lapid. We need to be dan him l'kaf zechus...


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